2018 Georgia Governor Voters Guide

Stacey Abrams (D) vs Brian Kemp (R)

Governor | Election | Nov 6, 2018

The Candidates

Stacey Abrams

Stacey Abrams


Brian Kemp

Brian Kemp


The Issues


Mostly ban or mostly legal?

Stacey Abrams (D)

Legal. Led efforts to weaken 20-week abortion ban & to block TARP (Targeted Restrictions on Abortion Providers). “Staunch defender of reproduction choices.”

Brian Kemp (R)

Ban. Supports “Heartbeat Bill” outlawing abortions after 6 weeks. As governor, will “sign the toughest abortion laws in the country.”

Climate Change

Consider climate change a critical threat?

Stacey Abrams (D)

Yes. “It is vitally important that we do everything we can to help fight climate change.” Renewable energy is central to her economic development plan.

Brian Kemp (R)

No stand found.


Allow employers to withhold contraceptive coverage from employees if disagree with it morally?

Stacey Abrams (D)

No specific stand, but opposes Judge Kavanaugh for potentially jeopardizing “access to birth control.”

Brian Kemp (R)

Yes. As governor, will sign a “religious freedom” bill that would allow withholding of contraceptive coverage.


Support President Trump’s Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh?

Brian Kemp (R)

Yes. Applauds Trump’s choice. Kavanagh “will serve our country well.”


Support Trump’s imposition of tariffs on Chinese steel & other products?

Stacey Abrams (D)

No. They are “a terrible idea” & have triggered major concerns in many sectors of the Georgia economy.


Increase funding for K-12 education?

Support publicy funded vouchers or tax breaks to help parents send children to private schools?

Stacey Abrams (D)

No. Opposes vouchers for private schools & unchecked expansion of charter schools.

Brian Kemp (R)

Yes. Supports vouchers to attend private schools & expanding charter schools.

Increase state funding for higher education?


Support nonpartisan redistricting to address charges of partisan gerrymandering?

Stacey Abrams (D)

Yes. Voting rights platform supports nonpartisan redistricting commission to create fair districts.

Brian Kemp (R)

No stand found.

Gay Rights

Support gay marriage?

Stacey Abrams (D)

Yes. First endorsed marriage equality in 2006.

Brian Kemp (R)

Unknown. Supports business owners choosing not to serve gay customers on religious grounds.

Gun Control

Support more restrictive gun control legislation?

Stacey Abrams (D)

Yes. Supports requiring universal background checks; banning assault weapons; establishing protective risk orders plus laws for domestic violence situations,  & repealing campus carry.

Brian Kemp (R)

No. Opposes new gun control restrictions, supports campus carry, arming K-12 teachers, & “constitutional carry” without permit or application. In humorous ad, pointed a shotgun at teenage boy sitting next to him, saying dating his daughters required appreciating the Second Amendment.

Health Care

Support or Repeal ACA, aka Obamacare? Accept ACA’s Medicaid expansion to subsidize low-income participants?

Stacey Abrams (D)

Supports ACA. Led efforts to expand Medicaid, which is  “transformative for our state.”

Brian Kemp (R)

Require people to work to receive Medicaid?

Stacey Abrams (D)


Brian Kemp (R)



Support DACA, allowing “Dreamers” who arrived illegally as children, then grew up in the US, to achieve legal status if meet certain conditions?

Stacey Abrams (D)

Yes. Advocates a clean DREAM Act legislation with path to citizenship.

Support path to citizenship for America’s 11 million illegal immigrants?

Stacey Abrams (D)

No stand found.

Brian Kemp (R)

No. In ad, said he wants to round up “criminal illegals” in his pickup & take them home himself. Will crack down on illegal immigration.


Legalize or decriminalize marijuana?

Stacey Abrams (D)

Supports medical use and decriminalization of small amounts for recreational use as “a critical step to criminal justice reform.”

Brian Kemp (R)

“Unequivocally” opposes recreational use. Supports limited medical use.

Minimum Wage

Raise the minimum wage?

Stacey Abrams (D)

Yes. Raise state minimum wage to $15/hr.

Brian Kemp (R)

No stand found.

President Trump

Response to President Trump’s actions & policies?

Stacey Abrams (D)

Strong opponent, consistently questions policies & actions.

Brian Kemp (R)

Endorsed by Trump in primary.  Vocal supporter who shares many of the same policy goals. Vows to “unapologetically stand with” Trump.

Renewable Energy

Support government subsidies for renewable energy?

Stacey Abrams (D)

Yes. Co-sponsored multiple bills providing financial incentives for solar, biomass, & wind. Advanced Energy Jobs Plan centers on creating a Green Bank to spur investment in renewables.

Brian Kemp (R)

No stand found.

Voting Rights

Support stricter voting rules such as voter ID requirements or reduced registration times, even if they prevent some people from voting?

Stacey Abrams (D)

No. Detailed voting rights platform includes nonpartisan redistricting commission; online, automatic, & same-day registration; & early voting.

Brian Kemp (R)

Yes. Stricter voter ID laws prevent fraud  & “threat of illegal voters casting ballots.” Has been named in 3 lawsuits over election policies opponents claim “disproportionately harm Georgia’s growing number of minority voters.”

Other candidates for governor include Ted Metz (Libertarian) & Larry Odom (Independent). Due to limited space, we can include only responses of candidates who poll over 15%, but encourage you to check out their websites.

guides.vote is a nonpartisan effort to show where candidates stand, with links to credible sources. We do not support or oppose any political party or candidate for office. Vote411.org offers guides to local races.