2018 Iowa Governor Voters Guide

Fred Hubbell (D) vs Kim Reynolds (R)

Governor | Election | Nov 6, 2018

The Candidates

Fred Hubbell

Fred Hubbell


Kim Reynolds

Kim Reynolds



The Issues


Mostly ban or mostly legal?

Kim Reynolds (R)

Ban. Signed  “Heartbeat Bill,” banning abortion if fetal heartbeat detected. In 2010 said abortion should legally “be equivalent to murder,” though would need to research potential penalties for doctors or women.

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Climate Change

Consider climate change a critical threat? Regulate greenhouse gases?

Fred Hubbell (D)

Yes. “Avoiding the pending disaster of climate change is the responsibility of each and every one of us.” Hubbell and his wife are on board of Environmental Policy and Law Center, which supports Obama’s Clean Power Plan to regulate utility emissions.

Kim Reynolds (R)

No public statements on climate change found. Despite requests from legislators, has not joined US Climate Alliance, a coalition of states committed to fight climate change.

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Do you support President Trump’s choice of Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court?

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Support Trump’s imposition of tariffs on Chinese steel and other products?

Fred Hubbell (D)

No. Believes they pose a devastating threat to IA’s producers & overall IA economy.

Kim Reynolds (R)

No. Believes will have negative impact on IA farmers, manufacturers, and overall IA economy.

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Increase funding for K-12 education? Publicly funded vouchers to help parents send children to private schools?

Fred Hubbell (D)

Yes. Need full and consistent funding to at least keep up with inflation. Proposed 1% increase is not enough. Position on vouchers unknown.

Kim Reynolds (R)

Small increase. Signed 1% increase passed by legislature. Reynolds had advocated for 1.5% increase. Allow vouchers for private schools, as way to  facilitate parental choice.

Increase state funding for higher education?

Fred Hubbell (D)

Yes. “We’ve just been cutting, cutting, cutting.” Proposes tuition payback for students at Iowa colleges who commit to 5 years working in rural Iowa.

Kim Reynolds (R)

No. Supported major cuts to address budget shortfall.

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Gay Rights

Support gay marraige?

Fred Hubbell (D)


Kim Reynolds (R)

Previously opposed. Now accepts as settled law.

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Gun Control

Support more restrictive gun control legislation? Restrict semi-automatic weapons?

Fred Hubbell (D)

Yes, but not much specificity. Wants public conversation about how gun laws can balance gun rights and public safety. Opposes arming teachers.

Kim Reynolds (R)

No. Supports 2017 sweeping gun rights law as “responsible and reasonable,” including “stand your ground” provisions and prohibitions on local restrictions. Decisions on arming teachers should be local.

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Health Care

Support or Repeal ACA, aka Obamacare? Support Medicaid expansion to low-income Iowans? Support IA’s privatization of Medicaid?

Fred Hubbell (D)

Supports ACA and Medicaid expansion.  Reverse IA’s Medicaid privatization, with its reduced benefits and widespread denials of coverage.

Kim Reynolds (R)

Repeal ACA, which is “unaffordable, unworkable, and unsustainable.” Rejects Medicaid expansion and supports privatization. Significantly cut Iowa’s Medicaid program.

Let Planned Parenthood receive public funds for non-abortion health services?

Fred Hubbell (D)

Yes. Also former chair of Planned Parenthood of Mid-Iowa.

Kim Reynolds (R)

No. Support defunding Planned Parenthood.

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Support collective bargaining for workers’s rights?

Fred Hubbell (D)

Yes. Strongly opposes 2017 legislation which made major reductions in four-decade-old collective bargaining rights for IA public workers. Restore and expand these rights.

Kim Reynolds (R)
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Support DREAM Act (DACA), allowing “Dreamers” who arrived illegally as children, to achieve legal status if meet certain conditions? Support path to citizenship for America’s 11 million illegal immigrants?

Fred Hubbell (D)

Unclear, although called law withholding funding for cities that didn’t cooperate with Federal immigration enforcement “an attempt to divide people” and a distraction from more important policy issues.

Kim Reynolds (R)

Supported Trump’s decision to phase out DACA, calling it Congress’s responsibility to pass immigration law. Said reform could end up including pathway to citizenship for some Dreamers.

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Legalize or decriminalize marijuana?

Fred Hubbell (D)

No for recreational until  more results from other states. Yes to expanding medical use.

Kim Reynolds (R)

No for recreational. Authorized limited medical marijuana bill but opposes expansion.

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Minimum Wage

Raise the minimum wage?

Fred Hubbell (D)

Yes. Raise at state level, while allowing cities and communities to go higher as needed.

Fred Hubbell (D)

No. Supported bill keeping state minimum wage at $7.25 an hour and preventing counties and communities from raising it.

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Net Neutrality

Support requiring internet providers to provide equal access to all users?

Fred Hubbell (D)

Unknown on net neutrality. Advocates for expanded affordable rural internet access.

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Renewable Energy

Support government investment in renewable energy?

Fred Hubbell (D)

Yes. Strong advocate for expanding investments in renewable energy. Has led efforts to invest state funds in this sector.

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Support Iowa’s recent $2 billion tax cuts?

Fred Hubbell (D)

No. Opposes major cuts to revenue streams. Considers fiscally irresponsible, and similarly opposed Trump tax cuts as regressive. Also opposes corporate subsidies like giving Apple $20 milliion credit to create 50 jobs.

Kim Reynolds (R)

Yes. Believes they provide important relief to middle and working class individuals and small businesses.

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Voting Rights

Support rules like voter ID requirements and reduction of early voting days even if they result in fewer people voting?

Fred Hubbell (D)


Kim Reynolds (R)


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Other candidates include Jake Porter (L). Due to limited space, we can only include responses if candidates poll over 15%, but encourage you to check out his website.

guides.vote is a nonpartisan effort to show where candidates stand, with links to credible sources. We do not support or oppose any political party or candidate for office. Vote411.org offers guides to local races.

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Fred Hubbell

democratic Party

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Kim Reynolds

republican Party

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Fred Hubbell


Kim Reynolds


See guides.vote for online guides with links & sources https://fredhubbell.com/ https://reynoldsgregg.com/

Mostly ban or mostly legal?

Legal. Will work to reverse IA’s abortion ban, one of the strictest in the country.Ban. Signed  “Heartbeat Bill,” banning abortion if fetal heartbeat detected. In 2010 said abortion should legally “be equivalent to murder,” though would need to research potential penalties for doctors or women.
Climate Change

Consider climate change a critical threat? Regulate greenhouse gases?

Yes. “Avoiding the pending disaster of climate change is the responsibility of each and every one of us.” Hubbell and his wife are on board of Environmental Policy and Law Center, which supports Obama’s Clean Power Plan to regulate utility emissions.No public statements on climate change found. Despite requests from legislators, has not joined US Climate Alliance, a coalition of states committed to fight climate change.

Do you support President Trump’s choice of Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court?

Unknown.Yes. “A respected jurist who will apply laws as written, not as he would write them.”

Support Trump’s imposition of tariffs on Chinese steel and other products?

No. Believes they pose a devastating threat to IA’s producers & overall IA economy.No. Believes will have negative impact on IA farmers, manufacturers, and overall IA economy.

Increase funding for K-12 education? Publicly funded vouchers to help parents send children to private schools?

Yes. Need full and consistent funding to at least keep up with inflation. Proposed 1% increase is not enough. Position on vouchers unknown.Small increase. Signed 1% increase passed by legislature. Reynolds had advocated for 1.5% increase. Allow vouchers for private schools, as way to  facilitate parental choice.
Gay Rights

Support gay marraige?

Yes.Previously opposed. Now accepts as settled law.
Gun Control

Support more restrictive gun control legislation? Restrict semi-automatic weapons?

Yes, but not much specificity. Wants public conversation about how gun laws can balance gun rights and public safety. Opposes arming teachers.No. Supports 2017 sweeping gun rights law as “responsible and reasonable,” including “stand your ground” provisions and prohibitions on local restrictions. Decisions on arming teachers should be local.
Health Care

Support or Repeal ACA, aka Obamacare? Support Medicaid expansion to low-income Iowans? Support IA’s privatization of Medicaid?

Supports ACA and Medicaid expansion.  Reverse IA’s Medicaid privatization, with its reduced benefits and widespread denials of coverage.Repeal ACA, which is “unaffordable, unworkable, and unsustainable.” Rejects Medicaid expansion and supports privatization. Significantly cut Iowa’s Medicaid program.

Support collective bargaining for workers’s rights?

Yes. Strongly opposes 2017 legislation which made major reductions in four-decade-old collective bargaining rights for IA public workers. Restore and expand these rights.Generally no. Applauded 2017 legislation as “long overdue.” Praised Republican efforts to limit collective bargaining laws.

Support DREAM Act (DACA), allowing “Dreamers” who arrived illegally as children, to achieve legal status if meet certain conditions? Support path to citizenship for America’s 11 million illegal immigrants?

Unclear, although called law withholding funding for cities that didn’t cooperate with Federal immigration enforcement “an attempt to divide people” and a distraction from more important policy issues.Supported Trump’s decision to phase out DACA, calling it Congress’s responsibility to pass immigration law. Said reform could end up including pathway to citizenship for some Dreamers.

Legalize or decriminalize marijuana?

No for recreational until  more results from other states. Yes to expanding medical use.No for recreational. Authorized limited medical marijuana bill but opposes expansion.
Minimum Wage

Raise the minimum wage?

Yes. Raise at state level, while allowing cities and communities to go higher as needed.No. Supported bill keeping state minimum wage at $7.25 an hour and preventing counties and communities from raising it.
Net Neutrality

Support requiring internet providers to provide equal access to all users?

Unknown on net neutrality. Advocates for expanded affordable rural internet access.No. “The internet grew & thrived before net neutrality and…will continue to grow & thrive after the FCC’s decision to eliminate the rule.”
Renewable Energy

Support government investment in renewable energy?

Yes. Strong advocate for expanding investments in renewable energy. Has led efforts to invest state funds in this sector.Mixed. Wants to continue growing IA’s wind, biofuels, and solar industries, and has supported easing regulations to facilitate their growth. But signed bill cutting funding for energy efficiency subsidies, home retrofits and energy efficient appliances.

Support Iowa’s recent $2 billion tax cuts?

No. Opposes major cuts to revenue streams. Considers fiscally irresponsible, and similarly opposed Trump tax cuts as regressive. Also opposes corporate subsidies like giving Apple $20 milliion credit to create 50 jobs.Yes. Believes they provide important relief to middle and working class individuals and small businesses.
Voting Rights

Support rules like voter ID requirements and reduction of early voting days even if they result in fewer people voting?



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