2018 Michigan Senate Voters Guide

John James (R) vs Debbie Stabenow (D)

State Senate | Election | Nov 6, 2018

The Candidates

John James

John James


Debbie Stabenow

Debbie Stabenow



The Issues


Mostly ban or mostly legal?


Ban,  with exception for life of the mother—but not for rape or incest.

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Campaign Finance

Require political ads to disclose their funders? Support Citizens United decision for unlimited political donations from corporations & unions?


No public statement found.


Yes. Leader in fight against big money in politics.  Co-sponsored updated DISCLOSE Act . “Would gladly repeal Citizens United.”

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Climate Change

Consider climate change a serious crisis? Limit or tax production of greenhouse gases?


No public statement found.

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Let employers withhold contraceptive coverage from employees if disagree with it morally?


Let employers withhold contraceptive coverage from employees if disagree with it morally?

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Support Brett Kavanaugh nomination (before recent allegations)?


Will review his record but concerned about environment & healthcare stands.

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Support Brett Kavanaugh nomination (before recent allegations)?


Will review his record but concerned about environment & healthcare stands.

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Give parents vouchers to send children to private schools with public $?

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Support Michigan’s redistricting ballot initiative to address charges of partisan gerrymandering?


No public statement found.


Strongly supports. Voting districts should be drawn fairly, without “strange configurations.”

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Support cutbacks of Environmental Protection Administration?


No overall statement found, but a likely yes.

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Financial Regulation

Support cutbacks of Consumer Protection Bureau?


No public statement found.

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Gay Rights

Support gay marriage?


Yes. Many votes against discrimination, even before Supreme Court ruling.

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Gun Control

Support more restrictive gun control legislation? Restrict semi-automatic weapons?


Yes. Supports common-sense gun reform: expanded background checks, banning high-capacity magazines & bump stocks

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Health Care

Support or Repeal Affordable Care Act (ACA), known as Obamacare? Let Planned Parenthood receive public funds for non-abortion healthcare?

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Support DACA, letting “Dreamers” who arrived illegally as children, then grew up in the US, achieve legal status if meet certain conditions?


No public statement found. But opposes path to citizenship for America’s 11 million illegal immigrants. “We must end illegal immigration” & secure the border.


Yes. Voted for original 2007 DACA bill that failed to pass. Advocating for new DACA bill. Has supported more money for border funding, mixed votes on path to citizenship.

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Withdraw from treaty to limit Iran’s nuclear capability & lift some sanctions?

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Support medical & recreational decriminalization? Legalization is on the ballot as Measure 1.

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Minimum Wage

Raise federal minimum wage from $7.25/hr?


Critical of increasing to $15/hr, but unclear if he’d support smaller increase.


Has supported raising, but no statement on current proposal to raise to $15/hr.

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Net Neutrality

Require internet providers to provide equal access to all users?




Yes. FCC decision to overturn net neutrality is “terrible.”

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President Trump

Response to President Trump’s actions & policies? Percentage of key votes supporting Trump’s positions while in office?


Supports. “President Trump is keeping his promises to the American people.” Percentage not applicable, as background is in business, not as elected official.


Opposed some executive orders: Farm Bill & drilling in Great Lakes. Disturbed by Trump’s “bromance” with Putin. Voted 33% with Trump as of 09/25/18.

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Renewable Energy

Support government subsidies for renewable energy?


No public statement found.

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Student Debt & Financial Aid

Refinance student loans at lower rates, paid for by more tax on high earners (Elizabeth Warren proposal)? Increase federal aid, like Pell Grants?


Unknown. Would “have to take a more detailed look” at student loan forgiveness before commenting.

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Support President Trump’s tax cuts?

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Voting Rights

Support stricter voting rules like photo-ID requirements?


No public statement found.

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John James

republican Party

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Debbie Stabenow

democratic Party

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John James


Debbie Stabenow


See guides.vote for online guides with links & sources https://johnjamesforsenate.com/ https://debbiestabenow.com/

Mostly ban or mostly legal?

Ban,  with exception for life of the mother—but not for rape or incest.Legal. Says has to be woman’s choice.
Campaign Finance

Require political ads to disclose their funders? Support Citizens United decision for unlimited political donations from corporations & unions?

No public statement found.Yes. Leader in fight against big money in politics.  Co-sponsored updated DISCLOSE Act . “Would gladly repeal Citizens United.”
Climate Change

Consider climate change a serious crisis? Limit or tax production of greenhouse gases?

No public statement found.Yes. Voted for bill stating “climate change is real & human activity significantly contributes.” Challenged USDA about removing & changing climate change language.

Let employers withhold contraceptive coverage from employees if disagree with it morally?

Let employers withhold contraceptive coverage from employees if disagree with it morally?No. Co-sponsored bill to protect healthcare benefits, including contraceptive coverage.

Support Brett Kavanaugh nomination (before recent allegations)?

Yes. He is a strong choice for the Court.Will review his record but concerned about environment & healthcare stands.

Support Trump’s imposition of tariffs on Chinese steel and other products?

No. Renegotiate trade deals but fears longlasting negative consequences from new tariffs & chaos caused by Trump’s “disorderly rollout.”No. Renegotiate trade deals but fears longlasting negative consequences from new tariffs & chaos caused by Trump’s “disorderly rollout.”

Give parents vouchers to send children to private schools with public $?

Yes. Let parents “use their tax dollars to send their children to the best schools.”Yes.No. Has long opposed school vouchers. Says create world-class public education.

Support Michigan’s redistricting ballot initiative to address charges of partisan gerrymandering?

No public statement found.Strongly supports. Voting districts should be drawn fairly, without “strange configurations.”

Support cutbacks of Environmental Protection Administration?

No overall statement found, but a likely yes.No, especially cuts to bipartisan Great Lakes funding, that she helped reverse.
Financial Regulation

Support cutbacks of Consumer Protection Bureau?

No public statement found.No. Signed letter asking to preserve CPB’s funding & independence.
Gay Rights

Support gay marriage?

Unknown. But says employers shouldn’t be able to fire someone for being gay.Yes. Many votes against discrimination, even before Supreme Court ruling.
Gun Control

Support more restrictive gun control legislation? Restrict semi-automatic weapons?

No. Second amendment rights “SHALL NOT be infringed [upon]. Enough said!”Yes. Supports common-sense gun reform: expanded background checks, banning high-capacity magazines & bump stocks
Health Care

Support or Repeal Affordable Care Act (ACA), known as Obamacare? Let Planned Parenthood receive public funds for non-abortion healthcare?

Repeal. Will work remove to “ this monstrosity [ACA].” Also  “supports efforts to defund abortion providers like Planned Parenthood.”Supports ACA but with improvements. Defunding Planned Parenthood would keep countless women who rely on Medicaid from getting healthcare. They’re often the only safety net alternative.

Support DACA, letting “Dreamers” who arrived illegally as children, then grew up in the US, achieve legal status if meet certain conditions?

No public statement found. But opposes path to citizenship for America’s 11 million illegal immigrants. “We must end illegal immigration” & secure the border.Yes. Voted for original 2007 DACA bill that failed to pass. Advocating for new DACA bill. Has supported more money for border funding, mixed votes on path to citizenship.

Withdraw from treaty to limit Iran’s nuclear capability & lift some sanctions?

Yes. It was a fatally flawed deal.No. “Now, our allies don’t know if they can trust our word.”

Support medical & recreational decriminalization? Legalization is on the ballot as Measure 1.

Unknown view of medical marijuana use. Opposes legalization for recreational use.Yes. “Time to decriminalize medical and recreational marijuana.
Minimum Wage

Raise federal minimum wage from $7.25/hr?

Critical of increasing to $15/hr, but unclear if he’d support smaller increase.Has supported raising, but no statement on current proposal to raise to $15/hr.
Net Neutrality

Require internet providers to provide equal access to all users?

Unknown. Yes. FCC decision to overturn net neutrality is “terrible.”
President Trump

Response to President Trump’s actions & policies? Percentage of key votes supporting Trump’s positions while in office?

Supports. “President Trump is keeping his promises to the American people.” Percentage not applicable, as background is in business, not as elected official.Opposed some executive orders: Farm Bill & drilling in Great Lakes. Disturbed by Trump’s “bromance” with Putin. Voted 33% with Trump as of 09/25/18.
Renewable Energy

Support government subsidies for renewable energy?

No public statement found.Yes. Helps create jobs and grow economy.
Student Debt & Financial Aid

Refinance student loans at lower rates, paid for by more tax on high earners (Elizabeth Warren proposal)? Increase federal aid, like Pell Grants?

Unknown. Would “have to take a more detailed look” at student loan forgiveness before commenting.Yes. Author of Reducing Educational Debt Act addressing student loan refinancing. Voted to raise number of Pell Grants & maximum amount per grant. Voted to make 2 years of community college free.

Support President Trump’s tax cuts?

Yes. Says they encourage companies “to do business right here in America.”No. Don’t cut taxes for the wealthy at the expense of middle-class families.
Voting Rights

Support stricter voting rules like photo-ID requirements?

No public statement found.No. Place undue burden on voters and haven’t increased voting integrity.


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