2018 Nevada US Senate Voters Guide

Adam Laxalt (R) vs Steve Sisolak (D)

Governor | Election | Nov 10, 2020

The Candidates

Adam Laxalt

Adam Laxalt


Steve Sisolak

Steve Sisolak


The Issues


Mostly ban or mostly legal?

Steve Sisolak (D)

Legal. Reproductive decisions should be between a woman and her doctor.

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Support President Trump’s choice of Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court? (before recent allegations)

Adam Laxalt (R)

Yes. “I encourage the Senate to fairly and expeditiously confirm.”

Steve Sisolak (D)

No. Led protest in front of Senator Heller’s office opposing nomination.

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Criminal Justice

Ease cash bail requirements to reduce incarceration?

Adam Laxalt (R)


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Increase funding for K-12 education?

Adam Laxalt (R)

Vows not to reduce funding; will look at budget on possible increase.

Provide support to parents to send their children to private schools with public money?

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Gay Rights

Support gay marriage and related issues?

Steve Sisolak (D)

Yes. Strong gay rights supporter, endorsed by major gay rights groups.

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Gun Control

Support more restrictive gun control legislation? Restrict semi-automatic assault weapons?

Steve Sisolak (D)

Formerly opposed, now supports enforcing background checks, banning silencers, bump stocks, and assault weapons. NRA rating was 79% in 2012, now 7%.

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Health Care

Support or Repeal ACA, aka Obamacare? Continue to accept Nevada’s ACA’s Medicaid expansion to subsidize low-income participants? Add Medicaid work requirements?

Allow Planned Parenthood to receive public funds for non-abortion health services?

Adam Laxalt (R)

Unclear. Investigated Planned Parenthood to confirm it didn’t do surgical abortions, but public funding is for federal government to decide.

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Support DACA, allowing “Dreamers” who arrived illegally as children, then grew up in the US, to achieve legal status if meet certain conditions?

Support path to citizenship for America’s 11 million illegal immigrants?

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What should companies be required to provide?

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Net Neutrality

Support requiring internet providers to provide equal access to all users?

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President Trump

Support for President’s policies?

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Renewable Energy

Support Question 6, initiative requiring utilities to provide 50% of energy from renewables by 2030?

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Position on state taxes, including commerce tax levy on businesses making $4 million or more a year.

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Due to limited space, we can only include responses from candidates polling 15%, but encourage you to check out their websites. Other candidates include Jarod Lord (Libertarian), Russell Best (Independent American Party), and Ryan Bundy (Independent).

guides.vote is a nonpartisan effort to show where candidates stand, with links to credible sources. We do not support or oppose any political party or candidate for office. Vote411.org offers guides to local races.

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Adam Laxalt

republican Party

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Steve Sisolak

democratic Party

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Adam Laxalt


Steve Sisolak


See guides.vote for online guides with links & sources https://www.adamlaxalt.com/ https://stevesisolak.com/

Mostly ban or mostly legal?

Has signed onto lawsuits to significantly limit. Said would “look into” repealing NV abortion rights law, though later reversed this statement.Legal. Reproductive decisions should be between a woman and her doctor.
Climate Change

Consider climate change a critical threat? Should government limit the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to combat climate change?

No. Joined appeal of Obama Clean Power Plan. “Oppose efforts to impose or expand costly and burdensome mandates on energy providers, which only lead to higher prices that hurt Nevada’s families.”Yes. “Climate change is real and poses a direct threat to our environment and communities.” Work as a state to uphold Paris Climate Agreement & Clean Power Plan.

Support President Trump’s choice of Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court? (before recent allegations)

Yes. “I encourage the Senate to fairly and expeditiously confirm.”No. Led protest in front of Senator Heller’s office opposing nomination.
Criminal Justice

Ease cash bail requirements to reduce incarceration?

Unknown.Yes, though for more minor offences.

Increase funding for K-12 education?

Vows not to reduce funding; will look at budget on possible increase.Restore funding to at least pre-recession levels. Shift money from hotel tax and marijuana tax toward schools.
Gay Rights

Support gay marriage and related issues?

In 2014 said would have defended Nevada gay marriage ban. Joined suit defending religious right of florist to not create arrangement for gay couple.Yes. Strong gay rights supporter, endorsed by major gay rights groups.
Gun Control

Support more restrictive gun control legislation? Restrict semi-automatic assault weapons?

No. “Increasing restrictions on law-abiding citizens’ access to firearms is not effective in reducing gun violence.” Opposed expanded background checks, open to banning bump stocks. 100% NRA rating.Formerly opposed, now supports enforcing background checks, banning silencers, bump stocks, and assault weapons. NRA rating was 79% in 2012, now 7%.
Health Care

Support or Repeal ACA, aka Obamacare? Continue to accept Nevada’s ACA’s Medicaid expansion to subsidize low-income participants? Add Medicaid work requirements?

Called ACA “the most flawed piece of major legislation America has ever endured.” Will consider Medicaid work requirements. Wouldn’t have expanded Medicaid but won’t roll it back.Supports ACA and Medicaid expansion. Opposes Medicaid work requirements. “Need to do everything we can to make sure healthcare coverage is maintained.”

How to address affordable housing crisis?

Oppose spending state taxpayer dollars, but would make it easier for developers to build new housing.Adjust affordable housing incentives. Include density bonuses, fee reductions and expedited permitting process.

Support DACA, allowing “Dreamers” who arrived illegally as children, then grew up in the US, to achieve legal status if meet certain conditions?

Unclear. In 2015, joined lawsuit challenging expansion to cover parents of DACA kids, though didn’t join anti-DACA suit.Yes. “Protect these young people who want nothing more than to be accepted by the only country they’ve ever known.”

What should companies be required to provide?

Joined suit opposing Obama’s stricter overtime rules. No position found on sick leave.Require companies with 25 or more employees to provide paid sick time, although challenged firefighters for abusing sick leave.

Should marijuana be decriminialized at federal level?

“An issue for our federal representatives to address.” The only Attorney General in a state with legalization not to ask feds to ease related banking prohibitions.Would fight federal intrusion into state marijuana industry. Also erase misdemeanor marijuana convictions and enforce current state rules to make NV “the gold standard in the cannabis industry.”
Minimum Wage

Raise the NV minimum wage?

No. “Will reduce employment opportunities for Nevadans and hurt workers by reducing hours, reducing benefits, and reducing on-the-job training.”Yes. Increase to at least $10 an hour. Reluctant to move immediately to $15, because “it will put small businesses out of business.”
Net Neutrality

Support requiring internet providers to provide equal access to all users?

Unclear. Didn’t join suit to preserve it. Yes. NV should join lawsuit to preserve.
President Trump

Support for President’s policies?

Honored to have his support.Will stand up to anyone who tries to hurt Nevada — including President Trump.”
Renewable Energy

Support Question 6, initiative requiring utilities to provide 50% of energy from renewables by 2030?

No specific stand but opposes “costly and burdensome mandates on energy providers.”Yes. “Want Nevada to lead the world in clean energy.

Position on state taxes, including commerce tax levy on businesses making $4 million or more a year.

“Will be committed to not raising taxes on anybody.”  End the commerce tax.Commerce tax was “very brave step,” so preserve it. Explore increasing property tax caps to pay for education.


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