No position on disclosure laws or Citizens United.
Yes. Cosponsored DISCLOSE Act requiring disclosure. Says Citizens United ”rolled back decades of progress.”
The pharmaceutical company that Hugin led, Celgene, spent $2.8 million lobbying to block cheaper generic alternatives to a key drug. Celgene also paid $280 million to settle claims that its drug marketing defrauded state & federal health programs.
Menendez was charged for allegedly doing political favors for a friend while accepting six-figure campaign contributions & undisclosed gifts like luxury hotel stays. Prosecutor dropped charges after jury hung 10-2 for acquittal & judge said the case didn’t hold up. Senate committee then “severely admonished” him.
No stand found, but supports expanded charter schools.
Other senate candidates include Murray Sabrin (L) & Madelyn Hoffman (G). Due to limited space, we can only include candidates who poll 15% or higher, but encourage you to check out their websites. is a nonpartisan effort to show where candidates stand, with links to credible sources. We do not support or oppose any political party or candidate for office. offers guides to local races.