2018 North Dakota US Senate Voters Guide

Kevin Cramer (R) vs Heidi Heitkamp (D)

US Senate | Election | Nov 6, 2018

The Candidates

Kevin Cramer

Kevin Cramer


Heidi Heitkamp

Heidi Heitkamp



The Issues

Climate Change

Consider human-caused climate change a serious threat?

Kevin Cramer (R)

No. Considered prominent skeptic. Has called climate change a religious belief.

Limit or tax production of greenhouse gases? Support US participation in Paris Climate Accord despite President Trump’s withdrawal?

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Allow employers to withhold contraceptive coverage from employees if disagree with it morally?

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Support federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth?

Support President Trump’s imposition of tariffs on Chinese steel & other products?

Kevin Cramer (R)

“I would prefer a more measured approach.” But they are “the one tool [Trump] has,” so support them & present a united front for negotiations.

Heidi Heitkamp (D)
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Provide vouchers to parents to send their children to private schools with public money?

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Financial Regulation

Support reining in Consumer Financial Protection Bureau?

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Support more restrictive gun control legislation?

Kevin Cramer (R)


Heidi Heitkamp (D)


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Support path to citizenship for “DACA” recipients or “Dreamers,” who grew up in the US after being brought here as children?

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End treaty limiting Iran’s nuclear capability for lifting economic sanctions?

Kevin Cramer (R)


Heidi Heitkamp (D)


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Support ND ballot Measure 3 that would legalize adult recreational use.

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Minimum Wage

Raise the federal minimum wage from current $7.25/hr?

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Net Neutrality

Support Net Neutrality rules requiring equal access to all users?

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President Trump

Percentage of key votes (as of September 2018) supporting Trump’s positions while in office?

Kevin Cramer (R)

Early & vocal supporter: Voted with Trump 99% of time.

Heidi Heitkamp (D)
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Support full or partial privatization of Social Security?

Kevin Cramer (R)
Heidi Heitkamp (D)

No. Opposes.

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Renewable Energy

Support government subsidies for renewable energy?

Heidi Heitkamp (D)

Advocates an all-of-the-above approach that includes tax incentives for renewables, particularly wind power.

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Student Debt & Financial Aid

Refinance student loans at lower rates, paid for by increasing taxes on high earners?

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Voting Rights

Support stricter voting rules like voter ID requirements even if prevent some people from voting?

Kevin Cramer (R)

Unknown. When asked about ND voting laws, deferred to state Republican Party for comment.

Heidi Heitkamp (D)

No. Has criticized unnecessary voter ID laws in ND that “clearly target” Native Americans & students.

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Kevin Cramer

republican Party

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Heidi Heitkamp

democratic Party

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Kevin Cramer


Heidi Heitkamp


See guides.vote for online guides with links & sources https://www.kevincramer.org/ https://heidifornorthdakota.com/

Mostly ban or mostly legal?

Ban. Forty years ago, the United States Supreme Court sanctioned abortion on demand. & we wonder why our culture sees school shootings so often.Mostly legal. “Reproductive decisions should be left to a woman, her family, & her doctor.” But opposes public funding & supports state’s right to mandate parental consent for minors & to restrict partial-birth abortions.
Campaign Finance

Require political ads to disclose their largest funders?

No. Disclosure individual contributions, but “what other organizations, liberal & conservative, do to promote their beliefs is up to them.”Yes. Sponsored 2018 DISCLOSE Act. “North Dakotans deserve to know who’s trying to influence our elections.”
Climate Change

Consider human-caused climate change a serious threat?

No. Considered prominent skeptic. Has called climate change a religious belief.Yes. Voted for amendment saying climate change was real & serious.

Allow employers to withhold contraceptive coverage from employees if disagree with it morally?

Yes. Requiring contraceptive coverage infringes upon religious freedoms.No. Keep ACA requirement that insurance plans provide non-copay contraception.

Supported Brett Kavanaugh nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court?

Yes. A great nominee. Supports states rights against federal overreach. Even if Ford allegations true, 36 years ago, so not sure it disqualifies Kavanaugh.No. Would have confirmed, but “deeply disturbed by…lack of judicial temperament & impartiality,” including his angry response when asked about drinking. Also influenced by experience dealing with sexual assault victims.

Support federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth?

No. Opposed stimulus investment. Some support for infrastructure.Yes. Supports strong infrastructure spending for areas like roads. But also concerns about deficit, feels both parties have ducked the issue.

Provide vouchers to parents to send their children to private schools with public money?

Yes. Supports DC voucher program & charter schools.No. Opposed Betsy DeVos’s “preference for private schools and… taking public funds away from public schools.”
Financial Regulation

Support reining in Consumer Financial Protection Bureau?

Yes. Considered it regulatory overreach.Eased financial regulations for smaller banks, but opposes further easing rules.
Gay Rights

Support gay marriage?

No. “Marriage is defined in Scripture.” Supreme Court ruling was “another example of activist judges overstepping their authority.”Yes. “The federal government should no longer discriminate against… or interfere in personal, private, & intimate relationships.”

Support more restrictive gun control legislation?

Health Care

Support or Repeal Affordable Care Act (ACA), known as Obamacare?

Full repeal. An insult to the Constitution & the conscience.” Would require covering patients with pre-existing conditions but let insurance companies charge more for them.Support, but improve. “Everyone should have access to affordable, quality care,” whatever pre-existing conditions. North Dakota families need same quality care that helped her beat breast cancer.

Support path to citizenship for “DACA” recipients or “Dreamers,” who grew up in the US after being brought here as children?

No. DACA was “unlawfully put together.” Recipients must return to home country before applying for citizenship. Yes, with conditions. Voted for several bills coupling with border security increase, & in one case with restrictions on legal immigration.

End treaty limiting Iran’s nuclear capability for lifting economic sanctions?


Support ND ballot Measure 3 that would legalize adult recreational use.

No. Plans to vote against it: “We don’t need any more mind-altering substances on the market.”Up to voters, some concerns on access by children. Urged administration to respect North Dakota’s medical law.
Minimum Wage

Raise the federal minimum wage from current $7.25/hr?

No. Reducing regulations is a better way to improve job opportunities.Yes. Co-sponsored 2014 bill to raise to $10.10/hr.
Net Neutrality

Support Net Neutrality rules requiring equal access to all users?

Praised FCC ruling ending Obama Net Neutrality rules. Said other ways to protect internet.Yes. Strong supporter. Voted to reverse FCC repeal of net neutrality.
President Trump

Percentage of key votes (as of September 2018) supporting Trump’s positions while in office?

Early & vocal supporter: Voted with Trump 99% of time.Mixed support & opposition: 55% of time. “I don’t think either party has all the right answers.”

Support full or partial privatization of Social Security?

Yes. Advocate for private sector options.No. Opposes.
Renewable Energy

Support government subsidies for renewable energy?

No. Incentivize US fuel production. Let green energy tax credits & deductions lapse.Advocates an all-of-the-above approach that includes tax incentives for renewables, particularly wind power.
Student Debt & Financial Aid

Refinance student loans at lower rates, paid for by increasing taxes on high earners?

Rejected this approach. Favored tying to interest rates. Supported end to student loan interest deduction.Yes. Introduced related bill. Challenged Dept of Education possibly revoking public service loan forgiveness.

Support President Trump’s tax cuts?

Yes. They were “the best Christmas gift Washington [could] give.”No. Will add $1.5 trillion to national debt & provide no real relief for middle-class families or small businesses.
Voting Rights

Support stricter voting rules like voter ID requirements even if prevent some people from voting?

Unknown. When asked about ND voting laws, deferred to state Republican Party for comment.No. Has criticized unnecessary voter ID laws in ND that “clearly target” Native Americans & students.


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