No. Considered prominent skeptic. Has called climate change a religious belief.
No. Roll back automotive fuel standards. Called EPA greenhouse gas regulations “arbitrary & capricious.” Paris Accord was a terrible agreement.
Yes. Supports strong infrastructure spending for areas like roads. But also concerns about deficit, feels both parties have ducked the issue.
“I would prefer a more measured approach.” But they are “the one tool [Trump] has,” so support them & present a united front for negotiations.
No. They “severely limit our ability to build the international support need to keep China in check.” Retaliatory actions will hurt North Dakota.
No. Opposed Betsy DeVos’s “preference for private schools and… taking public funds away from public schools.”
No. “Marriage is defined in Scripture.” Supreme Court ruling was “another example of activist judges overstepping their authority.”
No. DACA was “unlawfully put together.” Recipients must return to home country before applying for citizenship.
No. Plans to vote against it: “We don’t need any more mind-altering substances on the market.”
Early & vocal supporter: Voted with Trump 99% of time.
Mixed support & opposition: 55% of time. “I don’t think either party has all the right answers.”
No. Opposes.
Advocates an all-of-the-above approach that includes tax incentives for renewables, particularly wind power.
Rejected this approach. Favored tying to interest rates. Supported end to student loan interest deduction.
Yes. They were “the best Christmas gift Washington [could] give.”
Unknown. When asked about ND voting laws, deferred to state Republican Party for comment.
No. Has criticized unnecessary voter ID laws in ND that “clearly target” Native Americans & students.