No stand found. Did support strengthening Federal Elections Commission.
Probable no. In 2010 said emission regulations have “virtually no impact on global temperatures.”
Yes. Supported EPA regulating greenhouse gases, said Paris Accord withdrawal would hurt OH clean-energy industries.
Contested. Says supports limiting greenhouse emissions if Ohio industries such as coal are not harmed. Opposed EPA regulating greenhouse gases. Supported withdrawal from Paris Accord.
Likely yes. Obamacare requirement for faith-affiliated employers like hospitals to provide contraceptive coverage was “an assault on religious freedom.”
Mostly no. Called Obama stimulus “a failed experiment,” though supports Trump infrastructure plan.
Yes, but concerned about negative impact on farmers. Seeks a “balance between free trade & fair trade.”
No. Supported defunding.
Supports medical legalization. Wants to study how legalizing recreational works elsewhere before legalizing in Ohio. Opposes federal intervention.
Opposes recreational legalization. Watch how medical implementation goes. Voted against protecting states from federal intervention.
Likely No. Rejected 2013 increase to $10.10
Yes. Strong supporter.
No recent statements found. Has previously opposed regulations supporting Net Neutrality.
28% as of September.
94% as of September.
No. Strong opponent.
Other senate candidates include Philena Farley (G). Can’t include due to space, but check out her website.
Key sites consulted included,,,, & public candidate statements. For guides to local races, see from the League of Women Voters &