Ban. Co-sponsor of bill to ban after 20 weeks, with exceptions only to save life of mother, not for rape or incest.
Legal. Vetoed post-20-week ban. Make sure “that women continue to have the right to make their own decisions.”
No. Opposes regulatory overregulation. Government should also pare down regulations on natural gas drilling industry.
No public statement found.
Unclear. But unless pensions & health benefits are cut, predicts financial death of all 14 state colleges by 2022.
Repeal. Would repeal ACA & roll back Medicaid expansion.
Support & expand ACA. Expanding healthcare is good for the economy & creates jobs. Accepted Medicaid expansion for PA.
No statements found on DREAM Act.
Yes. Supports having a Pennsylvania DREAM Act.
Supports legal medical marijuana; does not support legalizing recreational at this time, wait on experience of other states.
Yes. Increase to $12/hr.
No public statements found.
No. Does not support subsidizing renewables or clean energy. Need to let market decide.
Yes. Only gas-producing state that doesn’t have this kind of tax, though drillers do pay comparable impact fee. Would raise $250 million in first year.
No public statements found.
No. Supports same-day & automatic voter registration & modernizing absentee voting. Refused Trump Administration request for personal information of every registered PA voter.
Other gubernatorial candidates include Ken Krawchuk (L) & Paul Glover (G). Due to limited space, we can’t include candidates polling at less than 15%, but encourage you to check out their websites.