Ban. Multiple votes to ban or restrict.
Legal, but hasn’t made high priority.
No. “The science around it is not a settled science.” Applauded withdrawal from Paris Climate agreement.
Yes. “It’s a serious issue.“ Supported US moving toward 25% renewable energy by 2025, although thought Obama’s Clean Energy Plan should have been passed by Congress, not regulation.
Undecided. “Deserves a fair and timely confirmation hearing.”
Likely no. Has supported across-the-board federal spending cuts.
Still considering but “increasingly concerned these tariffs are a bad deal for Tennesseans.”
Yes, has voted for vouchers.
No. Supports charter schools but “not wild about vouchers.“
No specific stand, but enacted major environmental regulations as governor.
Repeal. Support health savings accounts, Association Health Plans and purchases across state lines. Also ban Planned Parenthood receiving public funds for non-abortion health services.
Initially critical, but now supports with fixes: “Stabilize what we have.” On Medicare for Al, might support some initial baseline coverage, then add or adjust from there.
No stand found.
No. Deal with compassionately but DACA “offered the false hope of amnesty that led to a surge of illegal immigration.”
Maybe. “A more complicated problem,” “need to control borders,” but if “willing to learn English and pay their taxes and not have convictions for serious crimes… some sort of a path to become permanent residents and possibly citizens.”
Unclear on legalization but “federal government should give states the rights to make those decisions.”
92% as of Sept 1.
Yes. Early advocate of developing this sector. “It seems beyond dispute that ‘green energy’ will be an area of vast importance and growth.”
Unclear, but earlier pushed for free community college tuition.
Other Senate candidates include Trudy Austin (I), John Carico (I), Dean Hill, (I) Kevin Lee McCants (I), Breton Phillips (I), and Chris Todd (I). Due to limited space, we can only include candidates polling 15% or more, but encourage you to check them out.