Yes. Supports the DISCLOSE Act & exposing “dark-money donations.”
No. Called for more campaign finance transparency. Voted against 2010 DISCLOSE Act & blocked debate on it in 2018.
Likely no. Wants to “ensure strong environmental protections, support clean water, healthy forests.”
Yes. Favors “banning bump stocks, closing loopholes in background check system” & raising legal age for owning semi-automatic weapons to 21.
Support. ACA is “far from perfect” but has “greatly improved” access to healthcare.
No statement found.
Yes on DACA. Unclear on other illegal immigrants. Calls for “comprehensive immigration bill that is negotiated between… Democrats & Republicans.”
Unclear. Has supported path to citizenship for DACA recipients who meet certain criteria. Open to “merit-based visa” for other illegal immigrants.
No for both Social Security & VA.
No. Opposes.
Mixed. Voted for bipartisan legislation to extend original Voting Rights Act in 2006, but has also voted for stricter voter restrictions, including photo IDs. is a nonpartisan effort to show where candidates stand, with links to credible sources. We do not support or oppose any political party or candidate for office. offers guides to local races.