Yes. Running because Sullivan voted repeatedly to scrap the ACA. Favors offering public option, though not Medicare for all, and focusing more on addressing costs.
Has declined to comment on specific cuts, like Marine Highway system, but would prioritize the dividend. “One thing I have learned about government is that it will spend every dime you give it, justify it, and ask for more.” Supported including ferry system in federal transportation funding.
Yes. Supported Citizens United, while proposing to reject “outside money” in 2014 Senate race.
Mixed. Unclear if human-caused. Both threat and benefit. “Climate change … in Alaska … is opening up opportunities”: more fishing, commerce and shipping as sea ice recedes. But melting permafrost harms roads.
No. Against any ban on hydrocarbon production. Asked Trump to pressure financial institutions benefiting from CARES Act to keep “investing in U.S. coal” and oil and gas development. Strong supporter of Arctic National Wildlife Refuge drilling.
No. Early opponent. Calls Pebble Mine “the epicenter of crony capitalism,” the “single greatest threat to our Alaska wild salmon” and an “act of cultural genocide against Alaska Native peoples in Bristol Bay.” Alaska Democratic Party has opposed the mine.
Unclear. Has said he would support if adequate permitting process endorsed it. Opposed Obama administration’s “preemptive veto of the project,” and supported Trump EPA’s repeal of Obama Clean Power Plan, removing a major obstacle. Alaska Republican Party supports the mine.
No position found.
Loosen. Co-sponsored 2019 act to weaken Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
No position found on military attacks. Opposed withdrawal from nuclear deal: “Go back to the table with them and negotiate … rather than just unilaterally pull out of a pre-arranged agreement.”
No on requiring congressional approval for attacks. Voted against February 2020 measure that would have required this. Supported withdrawal from “fundamentally flawed” Iran nuclear deal.
Highly restrict. “Life begins at conception and we must fight to protect the lives of the unborn.” Ban abortions after 20 weeks.
No. Has opposed same sex marriage. Sponsored 2015 act that would prevent government sanctions against contractors whose religious beliefs led them to discriminate against LGTBQ couples.
Yes. Says good-paying jobs in Alaska start “by raising the minimum wage and defending collective bargaining rights for our workers and unions.”
Unclear. In 2014 changed position to support increasing state minimum wage by $2 an hour, but said he opposed federal minimum wages. In 2019 opposed $15-an-hour wage.
Likely yes. Planned Parenthood endorses as someone “who believes health care decisions are between a patient and their doctor.”
Supports Measure 1. No position found on Trump tax cuts.