No stand found on disclosure laws. Was not public sponsor of CA Proposition 59, which called for Citizens United overturn.
No stand found.
Yes. Build on “courageous efforts” of Parkland students. Supports expanded background checks. Ban assault weapons. Opposes concealed carry reciprocity.
No. Voted against prohibiting high-capacity gun magazines, background checks to buy ammunition, concealed firearms on school grounds or expanded assault weapon definitions.
Support and improve. “The US is just too rich for people to struggle without good, affordable health care.” Have government negotiate directly with drug companies. Fight for public option so people can buy into Medicare.
Yes. Supports pathway to citizenship & DACA recipients “treated fairly & with compassion.” Opposed bill to have liaison for Dreamers on state campuses.
No. Calls Trump’s withdrawal “a grave mistake.”
No stand found.
Opposes. In 2016, opposed California’s Proposition 64, which legalized & regulated recreational marijuana.
Pledges to hold Trump accountable & stop agenda “beneficial to him & his billionaire buddies.”
Has sought to differentiate her positions. “When I differ with the administration & Washington leadership, I say so.”
No. Will fight privatization of Social Security & health services for veterans.
No public statements found.
Yes. Supports a tax increase for the wealthy to balance the budget.
No. Signed the Americans for Tax Reform pledge to not raise taxes.