2020 Colorado US Senate Voters Guide

Corey Gardner (R) vs John Hickenlooper (D)

US Senate | Election | Nov 10, 2020

The Candidates

Corey Gardner

Corey Gardner


John Hickenlooper

John Hickenlooper


The Issues

Affordable Care Act

Support Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare?

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Campaign Finance

Require political ads to disclose their largest funders?


Unclear on disclosure. Supported requiring Senate candidates to e-file campaign finance reports. No other position found.


Yes. Backed election bill H.R.1 to strengthen disclosure and campaign finance laws. Weakening them “has led to corruption.” Also, overturn Citizens United decision that removed campaign finance limits.

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Climate Change

Consider human-caused climate change a serious threat, and address by limiting output of greenhouse gases?

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Use public funding for private and/or for-profit schools?

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Gun Laws

Enact more restrictive legislation on guns?


Yes. “Will fight for comprehensive, common-sense policies to tackle gun violence,” including universal background checks, restoring assault weapons ban, and magazine limits.

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Create path to citizenship for 11 million undocumented residents and “DACA” participants brought to the U.S. as children?

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Support “right to work” laws, eliminating the ability of unions to mandate dues for workers they represent?


Yes. Co-sponsored the National Right to Work Act, repealing bargaining provisions requiring union membership as a condition of employment.

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Decriminalize or legalize?


Yes. Let states decide. Federal government should “get out of the way,” allow marijuana sellers access to banking.

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Minimum Wage

Raise federal hourly minimum wage above current $7.25?

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Planned Parenthood

Can Planned Parenthood receive public funds for non-abortion-related care?


Yes. Supports Planned Parenthood, as “a staunch supporter of reproductive health.”

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Presidential Election – Prop 113

Support Prop 113 to join National Popular Vote Compact? When states representing an electoral majority sign on, the person who gets the most votes nationwide will become President.


No. Opposes Prop 113, as does Colorado Republican Party. Donated to campaign to overturn Colorado’s participation.


Yes. Previously ambivalent but now supports  Prop 113, as does Colorado’s Democratic Party.

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Saudi Arabia

Block arms sales to Saudi Arabia over Yemen war and allegations about journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s death?

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Student Debt & Financial Aid

Support free or subsidized tuition for lower-income individuals? Support lower interest or forgiveness on student loans?

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Voting Rules

Support stricter ID requirements and other rules on voting?

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Corey Gardner

republican Party

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John Hickenlooper

democratic Party

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Corey Gardner


John Hickenlooper


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Affordable Care Act

Support Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare?

No. Called the ACA a “failed law” with “many broken promises.” In 2017 voted three times to overturn the law.Yes. Calls the ACA a “watershed moment in our nation’s health.” As governor, expanded Medicaid and established a state exchange.
Campaign Finance

Require political ads to disclose their largest funders?

Unclear on disclosure. Supported requiring Senate candidates to e-file campaign finance reports. No other position found.Yes. Backed election bill H.R.1 to strengthen disclosure and campaign finance laws. Weakening them “has led to corruption.” Also, overturn Citizens United decision that removed campaign finance limits.
Climate Change

Consider human-caused climate change a serious threat, and address by limiting output of greenhouse gases?

Mixed. “Humans are contributing to climate change.” Will push for clean-tech investments, but voted against cutting carbon emissions from power plants.Yes. “The defining challenge of our time.” Must face with “fierce sense of urgency.” Would rejoin Paris Accord; calls for 100% renewable energy by 2050.

Support administration’s response to coronavirus pandemic?

Yes. “HHS, through a number of its agencies, is actively leading critical prevention, containment, and supply-chain stability.”No. “Only way to regain our confidence and restart our economy is having the capacity to either test or vaccinate every American.”

Use public funding for private and/or for-profit schools?

Yes. Filed a Supreme Court brief supporting the use of public funds to pay for educating children in private religious schools.No. Supports parents selecting the best schools, but “would not support the use of publicly funded vouchers for private or religious school education.”

Tighten or loosen environmental regulations?

Loosen. Voted to repeal EPA rules regulating methane emissions on public lands. Repeal wetlands and waterway protection.  Open Alaska wildlife refuge to oil and gas drilling.Mixed. As governor, adopted low-emission vehicle standards and developed tough methane standards, but fought restrictions on oil drilling near homes and schools.
Gay Rights

Support same-sex marriage?

Mixed. Sees marriage as only between a man and woman, but calls same-sex marriage “the law of the land, and it is important that we treat everyone with dignity and respect.”Yes. “If all people are created equal, then by extension of law, logic, and love, every adult couple should also have the freedom to join in marriage.”
Gun Laws

Enact more restrictive legislation on guns?

No. “Strong supporter of Second Amendment rights.” Keep “guns out of the hands of criminals,” but opposed background checks for gun sales at gun shows and online.Yes. “Will fight for comprehensive, common-sense policies to tackle gun violence,” including universal background checks, restoring assault weapons ban, and magazine limits.

Create path to citizenship for 11 million undocumented residents and “DACA” participants brought to the U.S. as children?

Mixed. Voted against protecting DREAMers from deportation. Later co-sponsored legislation for a 12-year pathway to citizenship combined with increased border wall funding.Yes. Wants to see “a permanent pathway to citizenship for our DREAMers” while “ensuring border security and protecting American workers.” Calls expanded border wall “ineffective” and a waste of billions.

Stand on Trump impeachment?

Oppose. Voted against calling witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial. Voted to acquit the president.Support. “A trial without witnesses and evidence is not a trial at all. It’s a sham.”

Support “right to work” laws, eliminating the ability of unions to mandate dues for workers they represent?

Yes. Co-sponsored the National Right to Work Act, repealing bargaining provisions requiring union membership as a condition of employment.No. Called for legislation reversing Supreme Court ruling that government workers can’t be forced to contribute to labor unions.
Legal Abortion

Support legal or ban?

Ban. “I’m pro-life, but that’s up to the states.” Voted to ban abortions at 20 weeks.Legal. “The … right to an abortion is one essential component of a comprehensive approach to reproductive health care.”

Decriminalize or legalize?

Yes. Does not support federal legalization, but “let states decide.” Introduced legislation limiting reach of federal marijuana law.Yes. Let states decide. Federal government should “get out of the way,” allow marijuana sellers access to banking.
Minimum Wage

Raise federal hourly minimum wage above current $7.25?

No recent position found. Earlier: “Hundreds of thousands of people will lose their jobs … as a result of a minimum-wage increase.” Opposed increasing overtime-pay availability.Yes. Supports $15-per-hour federal minimum. “Workers cannot get ahead without affordable child care, paid family leave, and fair compensation.”
Planned Parenthood

Can Planned Parenthood receive public funds for non-abortion-related care?

No. Voted to defund Planned Parenthood.Yes. Supports Planned Parenthood, as “a staunch supporter of reproductive health.”
Presidential Election - Prop 113

Support Prop 113 to join National Popular Vote Compact? When states representing an electoral majority sign on, the person who gets the most votes nationwide will become President.

No. Opposes Prop 113, as does Colorado Republican Party. Donated to campaign to overturn Colorado’s participation.Yes. Previously ambivalent but now supports  Prop 113, as does Colorado’s Democratic Party.
Saudi Arabia

Block arms sales to Saudi Arabia over Yemen war and allegations about journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s death?

No. Voted against blocking arms sales to Saudi Arabia in June 2019.Yes. Supports cutting off military support. “I don’t think supporting the Saudi campaign in Yemen is a great idea.”
Student Debt & Financial Aid

Support free or subsidized tuition for lower-income individuals? Support lower interest or forgiveness on student loans?

No general stand found. Did introduce bill allowing employers to contribute tax free to employees’ student loans. Discharge federal student loans for the permanently disabled.Yes. Reduce federal student loan interest to 2.5% or less, with “expanded loan repayment and forgiveness programs, tuition-free community college”; minority scholarships.
Supreme Court

Pick Ruth Bader Ginsburg replacement now or let November winner choose? See CEEP Supreme Court guide.

Will vote to confirm Trump’s pick if the person “will protect our Constitution, not legislate from the bench, and uphold the law.”“The Senate must not confirm a new Supreme Court Justice until after a new President is sworn in next year.”

Taxes: Support administration’s $1.9 trillion (2017) tax cuts?

Yes. Voted for the 2017 tax cut. “My goal was to bring relief to hard-working Coloradans ..., and I’m proud that after months of work, we’ve achieved this goal.” No. “Congress should not pass on almost $1.5 trillion in additional debt to future generations, and hand out tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans who don’t need them.”
Voting Rules

Support stricter ID requirements and other rules on voting?

No position found.No. Reinstate Voting Rights Act provisions struck down by the Supreme Court. Criticizes “discriminatory voter ID laws.”


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