2020 Indiana Governor Voters Guide

Eric Holcomb (R) vs Woody Myers (D) vs Donald Rainwater (R)

Governor | Election | Nov 3, 2020

The Candidates

Eric Holcomb

Eric Holcomb


Woody Myers

Woody Myers


Donald Rainwater

Donald Rainwater


The Issues

Climate Change

Consider human-caused climate change a serious threat?

Woody Myers (D)
Donald Rainwater (L)

No position found.

Address as a top priority by taxing or limiting output of greenhouse gases?


Use public funding for private and/or for-profit schools?


Create path to citizenship for “DACA” participants brought to the U.S. as children?

Support border walls and limiting immigration?

Woody Myers (D)
Donald Rainwater (L)


Support “right to work” laws, eliminating the ability of unions to mandate dues for workers they represent?

Planned Parenthood

Support the group receiving public funds for non-abortion care?

Eric Holcomb (R)

No position found.

Voting Rules

Support efforts to make it easier to vote including promoting voting by mail?