No position found.
No. “No one really knows” about human impact on climate change. Climate changes are “just part of the earth’s life cycle.”
Yes. Sponsored Clean Economy Act to put U.S. on path to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Supports funding for renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Yes. Next round of relief should be “targeted and specific.” “We can’t continue the out-of-control spending that the Democrats wanted in their package.”
No. Need assistance “that supports state and local governments.” Also more funding for child care, substance abuse treatment, and health care providers.
No position found.
No position found.
Yes. Supports Trump’s wall to “secure the southern border to put an end to illegal immigration” and “help stop and slow the flow of illegal drugs.”
No position found.
Yes. Voted to require administration to come before Congress before taking action because
Mostly ban. Ban after 20 weeks. Supports rule barring U.S. support for health care NGOs that in any part of their work provide, refer or promote abortion.
Legal. Warns of “efforts to place extreme restrictions on women’s reproductive rights.” Wrote amendment to cover abortions for military women if victims of rape or incest.
Yes. “Elated” by Supreme Court decision for marriage equality. Co-sponsored Equality Act that adds explicit protections for LGBTQ Americans to the nation’s civil rights laws.
Yes. Has supported Raise the Wage Act “so that we can help lift families out of poverty and improve our economy.”
No. “We need law and order.” Reform law enforcement “to the extent that bad cops are out of the system” and have “better training … to de-escalate problems.”
Unclear. Supports a permanent GI Bill.
No position found.
No. Opposed N.H. law that, before a court limited its reach, required college students who voted to re-register cars in the state. Co-sponsored bill restoring Voting Rights Act.