2020 New Hampshire US Senate Voters Guide

Corey Messner (R) vs Jeanne Shaheen (D)

US Senate | Election | Nov 10, 2020

The Candidates

Corey Messner

Corey Messner


Jeanne Shaheen

Jeanne Shaheen


The Issues

Campaign Finance

Require political ads to disclose their largest funders?

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Climate Change

Consider human-caused climate change a serious threat?

Corey Messner (R)

No. “No one really knows” about human impact on climate change. Climate changes are “just part of the earth’s life cycle.”

Address as a top priority by taxing or limiting output of greenhouse gases?

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Support administration’s response to coronavirus pandemic?

Support administration’s economic response to coronavirus pandemic?

Corey Messner (R)

Yes. Next round of relief should be “targeted and specific.” “We can’t continue the out-of-control spending that the Democrats wanted in their package.”

Jeanne Shaheen (D)
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Financial Regulation

Tighten or loosen regulation of banks and credit card companies?

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Path to citizenship for DACA residents brought to the U.S. as children?

Support expanded border walls?

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Oppose military attacks on Iran without congressional approval?

Corey Messner (R)

No position found.

Jeanne Shaheen (D)

Yes. Voted to require administration to come before Congress before taking action because

“war with Iran is not in America’s interest.”

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Legal Abortion

Keep legal or ban?

Corey Messner (R)

Mostly ban. Ban after 20 weeks. Supports rule barring U.S. support for health care NGOs that in any part of their work provide, refer or promote abortion.

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LGBTQ Rights

Support same-sex marriage and extension of LGBTQ protections against discrimination?

Jeanne Shaheen (D)

Yes. “Elated” by Supreme Court decision for marriage equality. Co-sponsored Equality Act that adds explicit protections for LGBTQ Americans to the nation’s civil rights laws.

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Minimum Wage

Raise federal hourly minimum wage above current $7.25?

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Planned Parenthood

Support Planned Parenthood’s receiving public funds for non-abortion care?

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Student Financial Aid

Support lower interest on student loans?

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Voting Rules

Support stricter ID requirements and other rules on voting?

Corey Messner (R)

No position found.

Jeanne Shaheen (D)
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Corey Messner

republican Party

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Jeanne Shaheen

democratic Party

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Corey Messner


Jeanne Shaheen


See guides.vote for online guides with links & sources https://corkyforsenate.com/home/ https://jeanneshaheen.org/
Affordable Care Act

Support Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare?

No. It is “very important to get the cost of health care down, that we allow more market forces to work here, including transparency.”Yes. Opposed bills attempting to end ACA, which provides “critical protections” for people with pre-existing conditions or needing substance use treatment.
Campaign Finance

Require political ads to disclose their largest funders?

No position found.Yes. “The unchecked influence of money in our elections compromises the future of our representative democracy.”
Climate Change

Consider human-caused climate change a serious threat?

No. “No one really knows” about human impact on climate change. Climate changes are “just part of the earth’s life cycle.”Yes.  Threats will worsen without action.  Introduced bill directing administration to meet Paris Climate Agreement standards.

Pick Ruth Bader Ginsburg replacement for Supreme Court now or let November winner choose?

Now. “President Trump, a Republican president, ought to appoint someone, and the Republican Senate ought to do its job.” See CEEP Supreme Court guide.“The American people need to choose the next president and the new president should nominate the replacement for Ruth Bader Ginsburg.” See CEEP Supreme Court guide.

Support administration’s response to coronavirus pandemic?

Yes. Against mandatory mask orders. “Trump continues to balance the public health challenges of the pandemic with the need to reopen the nation’s economy.”No. Supports mandatory masks, more testing, U.S.-based supply chain for medical supplies and more help for small business. Address undue impact on communities of color.

Tighten or loosen environmental regulations?

Loosen. “I am against the overreach of environmental regulations.”Tighten. Opposed repeal of Obama-era Clean Power Plan. Trump is “pursuing a policy that puts the well-being of the fossil fuel industry over American lives.”

Use public funding for private and/or for-profit schools?

Yes. “I believe in charter schools, home-schooling, and vouchers.”No. Opposed Betsy DeVos effort to route federal funding to private schools, though accepted CARES Act funding for their students. As governor, she vetoed charter schools that take up public resources.
Financial Regulation

Tighten or loosen regulation of banks and credit card companies?

No position found.Tighten. “The Dodd-Frank Act was a historic bill that I was proud to support to hold Wall Street accountable.”

Enact more restrictive legislation on guns?

No. Will not vote for any gun-control measures, including universal background checks.Yes. “I’ve supported bipartisan efforts to make background checks universal and more effective.”

Path to citizenship for DACA residents brought to the U.S. as children?

No position found.Yes. “The American people overwhelmingly support protecting DREAMers and providing a path to citizenship.”

Support calling witnesses and convicting Trump on impeachment charges?

No. “I would have voted not to remove. I would have stood up against this highly political impeachment process.”Yes. Voted to impeach. “This refusal to call witnesses and documents … sets a very dangerous precedent.”

Oppose military attacks on Iran without congressional approval?

No position found.Yes. Voted to require administration to come before Congress before taking action because “war with Iran is not in America’s interest.”
Legal Abortion

Keep legal or ban?

Mostly ban. Ban after 20 weeks. Supports rule barring U.S. support for health care NGOs that in any part of their work provide, refer or promote abortion.Legal. Warns of “efforts to place extreme restrictions on women’s reproductive rights.” Wrote amendment to cover abortions for military women if victims of rape or incest.
LGBTQ Rights

Support same-sex marriage and extension of LGBTQ protections against discrimination?

Unclear. “What they’re teaching kids in school [about ‘transgender’] is horrific.” “Transgenders in military’s OK, as long as there’s no distraction from the mission.”Yes. “Elated” by Supreme Court decision for marriage equality. Co-sponsored Equality Act that adds explicit protections for LGBTQ Americans to the nation’s civil rights laws.
Minimum Wage

Raise federal hourly minimum wage above current $7.25?

No. “This is a state issue; there should be no federal minimum wage.”Yes. Has supported Raise the Wage Act “so that we can help lift families out of poverty and improve our economy.”
Planned Parenthood

Support Planned Parenthood’s receiving public funds for non-abortion care?

No. Opposes any federal funding of abortion providers.Yes. Worked to block Planned Parenthood cuts and to protect access to birth control, cancer screenings, and other health services.
Police and Community

Restrict police use of force and increase public oversight?

No. “We need law and order.” Reform law enforcement “to the extent that bad cops are out of the system” and have “better training … to de-escalate problems.”Yes. Ban choke holds; address police reform at its core; “compromise between people who want to totally redefine it and those who don’t want to change it at all.”
Student Financial Aid

Support lower interest on student loans?

Unclear. Supports a permanent GI Bill.Yes. Has opposed increasing interest rates on subsidized student loans.
Voting Rules

Support stricter ID requirements and other rules on voting?

No position found.No. Opposed N.H. law that, before a court limited its reach, required college students who voted to re-register cars in the state. Co-sponsored bill restoring Voting Rights Act.


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