2020 New Mexico US Senate Voters Guide

Ben Ray Luján (D) vs Mark Ronchetti (R)

US Senate | Election | Nov 10, 2020

The Candidates

Ben Ray Luján

Ben Ray Luján


Mark Ronchetti

Mark Ronchetti


The Issues

Campaign Finance

Require political ads to disclose their largest funders?

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Require health plans to cover birth control?

Mark Ronchetti (R)

No position found. Supports the Hyde Amendment, which bars use of federal funds to pay for abortion.

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Support Senate voting before election on Ginsburg replacement?

Ben Ray Luján (D)

Probable no. Baited Ronchetti asking him where he stood on it. But no direct stand found. See CEEP Supreme Court guide.

Mark Ronchetti (R)

No position found. See CEEP Supreme Court guide.

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Use public funding for private and/or for-profit schools?

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Financial Regulation

Tighten or loosen regulation of banks and credit card companies?

Mark Ronchetti (R)

No position found.

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Oppose military attacks on Iran without congressional approval?

Mark Ronchetti (R)

No position found.

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Support expansion of union rights?

Mark Ronchetti (R)

Mostly no. Supports “right to work” laws that  eliminate the ability of unions to mandate dues for workers they represent?

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Legal Abortion

Legal or ban?

Ben Ray Luján (D)

Legal. Voted against multiple anti-abortion bills including one that would have banned abortions after 20 weeks. “I believe strongly in a woman’s right to choose.”

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LGBTQ Rights

Support Equality Act protecting LGBTQ people from discrimination?

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Keep illegal or decriminalize?

Mark Ronchetti (R)

No position found.

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Minimum Wage

Raise federal hourly minimum wage above current $7.25?

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Student Financial Aid

Support free or subsidized tuition for lower-income individuals?

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Support administration’s $1.9 trillion (2017) tax cuts?

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Voting Rights

Support stricter ID requirements and other rules on voting?

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Candidate Image

Ben Ray Luján

democratic Party

Candidate Image

Mark Ronchetti

republican Party

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Ben Ray Luján


Mark Ronchetti


See guides.vote for online guides with links & sources https://benraylujan.com/ https://www.markronchetti.com/
Affordable Care Act

Support Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare?

Yes. Voted against multiple efforts to repeal ACA. “I will not allow the GOP to destroy protections for pre-existing conditions and steal insurance from millions of Americans.”No. Opposes universal health care. But has said: “We want to cover pre-existing conditions and will protect Medicaid.”
Campaign Finance

Require political ads to disclose their largest funders?

Yes. Voted for HR1 to “restore transparency in our government [and] reduce the role of dark money in politics.”No position found.
Climate Change

Consider human-caused climate change a serious threat?

Yes. U.S. is “experiencing the devastating impacts of climate change … extreme fires, severe storms, and record drought.” Voted to keep U.S. in Paris Climate Agreement.Unclear. “Climate change is a real phenomenon that needs to be addressed.” Said it wasn’t causing current fires. “We can’t restrict our economy when countries like China and India continue unrestricted pollution.”

Require health plans to cover birth control?

Yes. “I will continue working to protect reproductive freedoms for all women across New Mexico and the nation.”No position found. Supports the Hyde Amendment, which bars use of federal funds to pay for abortion.

Support Senate voting before election on Ginsburg replacement?

Probable no. Baited Ronchetti asking him where he stood on it. But no direct stand found. See CEEP Supreme Court guide.No position found. See CEEP Supreme Court guide.

Support administration’s response to coronavirus pandemic?

No. “The Trump administration failed to bring COVID-19 testing to scale.” Opposes cut to additional unemployment benefits.Yes. “Took the action necessary to help small businesses.” Beyond testing, no national plan needed. Responsibly reopen economy.

Use public funding for private and/or for-profit schools?

Likely no. Voted against reauthorizing program to help low-income families pay private school tuition.Yes. Supports public charter schools and school choice.

Tighten or loosen environmental regulations?

Tighten. Voted to prohibit offshore drilling and protect Arctic Refuge, and mining around the Grand Canyon and Chaco Canyon.Loosen. Opposes bans on fracking and supports leasing public land for oil and gas production.
Financial Regulation

Tighten or loosen regulation of banks and credit card companies?

Tighten. Voted against rollbacks of Dodd-Frank regulations. Voted to restore and increase authority of CFPB.No position found.

Enact more restrictive legislation on guns?

Yes. Voted to require background checks for private firearms transfers. Co-sponsored Assault Weapons Ban to “get weapons of war off the streets.”No. Strong Second Amendment supporter. “A law-abiding citizen who responsibly handles their guns doesn’t need the government to come knocking on their door.” NRA backing.

Create path to citizenship for DACA participants brought to the U.S. as children?

Yes. Voted for DREAM Act. Wants a path to citizenship for DREAMers as well as migrants and refugees as part of comprehensive immigration reform.No position found. Opposes amnesty: “It incentivizes even more illegal immigration. ... Allow them to apply in their home country and when legally approved move to the U.S.”

Support calling witnesses and indicting Trump on impeachment charges?

Yes. Voted for impeachment. Ignoring Trump’s “abuses of power would be abdicating the oath we made to protect this country and our Constitution.”No. Says motivated to run in part because Luján “has chosen partisan politics at every turn, from impeachment to voting no on critical border funding.”

Oppose military attacks on Iran without congressional approval?

Yes. Voted against it. Trump put “our country in harm's way when he brought the U.S. to the brink of war with Iran.”No position found.

Support expansion of union rights?

Yes. Voted for Protecting the Right to Organize Act.Mostly no. Supports “right to work” laws that  eliminate the ability of unions to mandate dues for workers they represent?
Legal Abortion

Legal or ban?

Legal. Voted against multiple anti-abortion bills including one that would have banned abortions after 20 weeks. “I believe strongly in a woman’s right to choose.”Ban. Is “strongly pro-life.” Believes unborn babies “have souls, can feel emotions, and are every bit a human being.”
LGBTQ Rights

Support Equality Act protecting LGBTQ people from discrimination?

Yes. Voted for Equality Act. Wants to “ensure every person is treated with … respect no matter who they are, who they love …”No position found.

Keep illegal or decriminalize?

Decriminalize. Co-sponsored bill to federally decriminalize. Pushed bill to remove marijuana as a deportable offense.No position found.
Minimum Wage

Raise federal hourly minimum wage above current $7.25?

Yes. Voted for Raise the Wage Act. “It’s time to raise the wage to boost local economies and help our communities make ends meet.”Unclear. Says will “[push] for fair wages” but no position found on minimum wage.
Police and Community

Restrict police use of force and increase public oversight?

Yes. Voted for George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020 “to provide justice for … victims of police brutality.”No. Believes “police officers are good people risking their lives to protect our community and have earned our support.”
Student Financial Aid

Support free or subsidized tuition for lower-income individuals?

Yes. Co-sponsored bill to make two years of community college free to good students. Americans need chance to get degree without “taking on a mountain of debt.”No position found. Does not support Green New Deal, including its proposed legislation on free tuition.

Support administration’s $1.9 trillion (2017) tax cuts?

No. Voted against the tax cuts as “an example of fiscal irresponsibility [that] is skewed against American families.”No position found. Against government implementing “higher taxes and reaching deeper into our lives.”
Voting Rights

Support stricter ID requirements and other rules on voting?

No. Co-sponsored Voting Rights Act of 2019. Sponsored Native American Voting Rights Act to remove “burdensome” requirements.No position found.


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