2020 South Carolina US Senate Voters Guide

Lindsey Graham (R) vs Jamie Harrison (D)

US Senate | Election | Nov 10, 2020

The Candidates

Lindsey Graham

Lindsey Graham


Jamie Harrison

Jamie Harrison


The Issues


Support administration’s response to coronavirus pandemic?

Support administration’s economic response to coronavirus pandemic?

Jamie Harrison (D)

No. Republican reluctance to extend unemployment benefits shows “failure of leadership.” “Families won’t get the help they need.”

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Financial Regulation

Tighten or loosen regulation of banks and credit card companies?

Jamie Harrison (D)

No position found.

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Require congressional approval for military attacks on Iran?

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Support “right to work” laws, eliminating the ability of unions to mandate dues for workers they represent?

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LGBTQ Rights

Support same-sex marriage? Support act protecting LGBTQ people from discrimination based on sexual orientation?

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Planned Parenthood

Support Planned Parenthood’s receiving public funds for non-abortion care?

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Student Financial Aid

Support free or subsidized tuition for lower-income individuals?

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Support administration’s 2017 tax cuts?

Lindsey Graham (R)

Yes. Strong supporter. Argued that they would “help grow the economy,” and also were politically necessary.

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Lindsey Graham

republican Party

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Jamie Harrison

democratic Party

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Lindsey Graham


Jamie Harrison


See guides.vote for online guides with links & sources http://lindseygraham.com/ http://jaimeharrison.com/
Affordable Care Act

Support Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare?

No. Has promised that the ACA will be repealed if Republicans win the House and retain the Senate in the 2020 election.Yes. Worked on ACA as a staffer for Jim Clyburn. Strengthen ACA by expanding Medicaid, adding coverage for mental health, vision and dental care, adding public option.
Campaign Finance

Require political ads to disclose their largest funders?

No recent stand found. Co-sponsored 2006 legislation prohibiting senators raising funds until 18 months before elections.Yes. “I’m proud to be working … to overturn [Citizens United]. … It’s time we put an end to this decade of Dark Money.”
Climate Change

Consider human-caused climate change a serious threat, and address by limiting output of greenhouse gases?

Mostly Yes. “I believe climate change is real and we should take steps to address the threat.” Has previously endorsed carbon tax.  Recently stresses technical innovation over regulation or taxation.Yes. “Climate change is … disproportionately hitting Black communities, leaving sickness and death in its wake.” Would fight to cut emissions by transitioning to cleaner energy.

Pick Ruth Bader Ginsburg replacement now or let November winner choose?

Confirm now. In 2016: “Let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination. [If situation reversed] I want you to use my words against me.” Now supports confirmation because the same party controls the Senate and White House.Wait for next president to make appointment. “The question [is] is [Graham] going to keep his promise to the American people?” “We have come to see that Lindsey Graham’s word has not been very valuable over the last few years.”

Support administration’s response to coronavirus pandemic?

Yes. China originated the virus, but Trump “probably saved 1 million to 2 million Americans from a horrible death.” People need to “wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice social distancing.”No. “We had time earlier to marshal the full power of the federal government in the production of tests and protective equipment, but leaders in Washington like Lindsey Graham were too busy denying the danger this virus posed.”

Ban offshore drilling?

Unclear. “I believe South Carolina should have the ultimate say in who controls any oil and gas deposits off our coast.” No clear position on whether to drill.Ban. “A spill off our beaches would destroy jobs and harm the coastal environment that makes South Carolina beautiful.” Tourism supports one in 10 SC jobs.
Financial Regulation

Tighten or loosen regulation of banks and credit card companies?

Loosen: Voted against the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010.No position found.
Gun Laws

Enact more restrictive legislation on guns?

Mostly no: Has been twice endorsed by NRA. In 2018, pushed for “red flag” legislation that would “prevent individuals who are in crisis from accessing deadly weapons.”Yes. “I am honored to be endorsed by  Giffords [a gun violence prevention organization] and look forward to working … to stop the epidemic of gun violence.”

Create path to citizenship for “DACA” residents brought to U.S. as children?

Unclear. Wants to cancel DACA, then find legislative solution. “I have always believed DACA was a presidential overreach.”Yes. “Congress should cement this program into law by supporting the DREAM Act, which has overwhelming bipartisan support.”

Require congressional approval for military attacks on Iran?

No position found. Generally supports reinvigorating “our fractured alliances” and “pursuing diplomatic solutions that prevent violent conflict.”Support. “A trial without witnesses and evidence is not a trial at all. It’s a sham.”

Support “right to work” laws, eliminating the ability of unions to mandate dues for workers they represent?

Yes. Co-sponsored the National Right-To-Work Act in 2015.No. Supported the right of workers to organize a union at a Boeing plant in South Carolina. Current job protections “are the results of the hard work [of] unions.”
Legal Abortion

Support legal or ban?

Ban. Repeatedly introduced bill banning after 20 weeks, with exceptions for rape or incest if reported to police or social services.Legal. “If you try to ignore Roe v. Wade and violate a woman’s constitutional rights, Democrats will fight you at every turn.”
LGBTQ Rights

Support same-sex marriage? Support act protecting LGBTQ people from discrimination based on sexual orientation?

Mixed. In 2015 compared same-sex marriage to polygamy, but later said that since decided by the courts, trying to overturn risked harming Republicans. Voted against 2013 Employment Non-discrimination Act.Yes. “I stand with the LGBTQIA+ community, and as senator, I’ll work to pass the Equality Act to protect LGBTQIA+ folks from workplace discrimination.”

Legalize marijuana?

Mixed. Has supported protecting state medical legalization laws. Opposed SAFE Banking Amendment and opposes recreational legalization.Yes. “I think we should legalize, regulate and tax marijuana like we do alcohol and tobacco.”
Minimum Wage

Raise federal hourly minimum wage above current $7.25?

Mixed. Has mostly opposed and voted against, but, in 2017, proposed raising to $10.10 as incentive for Trump tax cuts.Yes. “I believe that a minimum wage is really, really important and, yes, I will increase the minimum wage.”
Planned Parenthood

Support Planned Parenthood’s receiving public funds for non-abortion care?

No. “I wholly support the defunding of Planned Parenthood.” Would not send “one penny of funding for Planned Parenthood.”No position found. Endorsed by Planned Parenthood.
Student Financial Aid

Support free or subsidized tuition for lower-income individuals?

Mixed. Has previously supported the idea of letting students refinance loans at lower interest.Yes. Will “fight to end the student loan crisis in this country and make college affordable” but doesn’t spell out specific policies.

Support administration’s 2017 tax cuts?

Yes. Strong supporter. Argued that they would “help grow the economy,” and also were politically necessary.No. It gives “wealthy donors tax cuts.” Promises to repeal 2017 tax cuts.
Police and Community

Restrict police use of force and increase public oversight?

Mixed. “If you’re subject to being sued, you act differently than if you’re not.” But he is against completely removing qualified immunity for police.Yes. Calls for “national use-of-force standard,” including ban on choke holds and ending qualified immunity. Must review “the militarization of our police force.”


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