2020 Texas US Senate Voters Guide

John Cornyn (R) vs MJ Hegar (D)

US Senate | Election | Nov 10, 2020

The Candidates

John Cornyn

John Cornyn


MJ Hegar

MJ Hegar


The Issues


Ban/highly restrict or legal?

John Cornyn (R)
MJ Hegar (D)

Legal. Wants Roe v. Wade codified as federal law so women’s reproductive rights “are not subject to the whims of an increasingly partisan court system.”

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Affordable Care Act

Support Affordable Care Act (ACA), including Medicaid expansion?

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Campaign Finance

Require more disclosure about the sources of campaign financing?

John Cornyn (R)

No. Supports Citizens United, allowing corporations to make unlimited contributions. Supreme Court “has acted to protect…First Amendment rights of free speech.”

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Climate Change

Consider human-caused climate change a serious threat?

Address as a top priority by taxing or limiting output of greenhouse gases?

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Supported Brett Kavanaugh nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court?

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Support administration’s response to coronavirus pandemic?

Support administration’s economic response to coronavirus pandemic?

MJ Hegar (D)

No. Republican reluctance to extend unemployment benefits shows “failure of leadership.” “Families won’t get the help they need.”

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Financial Regulation

Tighten or loosen bank regulation?

John Cornyn (R)

Loosen. Introduced legislation to roll back Dodd-Frank banking rules.

MJ Hegar (D)

No position found.

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Require congressional approval for military attacks on Iran?

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Support “right to work” laws, eliminating the ability of unions to mandate dues for workers they represent?

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Minimum Wage

Raise federal hourly minimum wage above current $7.25?

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Planned Parenthood

Allow Planned Parenthood’s receiving public funds for non-abortion care?

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John Cornyn

republican Party

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MJ Hegar

democratic Party

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John Cornyn


MJ Hegar


See guides.vote for online guides with links & sources https://www.johncornyn.com/ https://mjfortexas.com/

Ban/highly restrict or legal?

Ban, except in cases of rape, incest or danger to a woman’s life. Introduced four anti-abortion bills including one making it a crime to perform an abortion after 20 weeks.Legal. Wants Roe v. Wade codified as federal law so women’s reproductive rights “are not subject to the whims of an increasingly partisan court system.”
Affordable Care Act

Support Affordable Care Act (ACA), including Medicaid expansion?

No. Voted against ACA in 2009 and has since backed 27 bills to kill it. “Our health care system is broken, but Obamacare, with its prohibitive costs and job-killing policies, isn’t the answer.”Yes. Obamacare needs improvement but must be kept so insurance companies can’t  “discriminate against those with preexisting conditions or sell junk plans that leave folks vulnerable.”
Campaign Finance

Require more disclosure about the sources of campaign financing?

No. Supports Citizens United, allowing corporations to make unlimited contributions. Supreme Court “has acted to protect…First Amendment rights of free speech.”Yes. Supports campaign finance and ethics reforms to “ensure Washington is accountable to voters and no one else.” Accepted no corporate PAC donations during campaign.
Climate Change

Consider human-caused climate change a serious threat?

Unclear. Says, If “reducing emissions is important,” there is “a better way of approaching [it] than the Green New Deal."Yes. Climate change is “one of the greatest threats to the health and safety of our communities.”

Supported Brett Kavanaugh nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court?

Yes. As majority whip, played key role ensuring Kavanaugh’s appointment was confirmed.No. Kavanaugh showed "disdain" for female senators, "distressing" for a Supreme Court member “deciding issues that relate to women and our freedom.”

Support administration’s response to coronavirus pandemic?

Yes. But must do more. Require “improved testing capacity to identify and stop the spread of the coronavirus.”  And “Congress must invest more in research,” for a vaccine.No. COVID-19  “has been devastating to residents and staff in nursing homes….  While our leaders fumble…through this pandemic, lives are being lost.”

Tighten or loosen environmental regulations?

Loosen. Praised EPA repeal of Clean Water Rule saying the rule “prevents farmers, landowners and job creators from taking care of their land how they know best.” Unclear. “I am running for Congress to fight for our children’s futures: to ensure they can breathe clear air, drink clean water, and lead healthy and fulfilling lives.”
Financial Regulation

Tighten or loosen bank regulation?

Loosen. Introduced legislation to roll back Dodd-Frank banking rules.No position found.
Gay Rights

Support rights for LGBTQ+?

No. Signed brief arguing workplace discrimination protections don’t apply to sexual orientation.Yes. Backs civil rights protections for LGBTQ+ Americans in employment, housing…credit, education, and federally funded programs.

Enact more restrictive legislation on guns?

Mixed. Is against ban on assault weapons and semi-automatic rifles. But has expressed openness to regulating “bump stocks.”Yes. Wants universal background checks, end to gun show loophole and “Red Flag’ laws restricting gun access for domestic abusers.

Create path to citizenship for “DACA” residents brought to U.S. as children?

Mixed. Supports Trump administration effort to end DACA, but says “Dreamers” should be protected and have a legislative solution.”Yes. “It’s in our country’s best interest that we keep these people here because we’ve invested in them so much and they really do represent the best of us.”

Support calling witnesses and convicting Trump on impeachment charges?

No. Democrats “failed to bring forward compelling and unassailable evidence of any crime, and thus failed to meet their burden of proof.”Yes. Criticized Cornyn for violating his oath to defend the U.S. Constitution by refusing to have a fair process or listen to evidence and testimony. 

Require congressional approval for military attacks on Iran?

No. Voted against bipartisan an effort to limit Trump’s ability to attack Iran without Congressional approval.No position found.

Support “right to work” laws, eliminating the ability of unions to mandate dues for workers they represent?

Yes. Voted to prohibit TSA employees from collective bargaining. Co-sponsored National Right-to-Work Act that would weaken unions.No. Supports rights of workers to unionize and bargain for healthy working conditions, fair wages, and to secure benefits.

Legalize marijuana?

No. Is concerned drug will “damage …developing brains” of young people and impact the “unborn child” of the pregnant.Yes. Ban “only boosts cartel profits.” Also for “expunging the records of those who have been incarcerated for such.”
Minimum Wage

Raise federal hourly minimum wage above current $7.25?

No recent position. Called 2014 bill to raise federal minimum wage a “job killer.”Yes. “We need to raise wages… instead of giving tax breaks to companies that ship their jobs overseas.”
Planned Parenthood

Allow Planned Parenthood’s receiving public funds for non-abortion care?

No. Introduced 2015 legislation to defund Planned Parenthood.Yes. “I'm proud to fight alongside Planned Parenthood…so every Texan can receive quality health care.”
Police and Community

Restrict police use of force and increase public oversight?

Unclear. “A one-size-fits-all rulebook would create more problems than solutions. But …Congress has a responsibility to ensure all police departments are transparent, accountable and well-trained.”Yes. “Must pass comprehensive criminal justice reforms to combat racial and economic disparities…including ending racial profiling and stop & frisk,” and remove profit incentives for unfair arrests.

Support administration’s $1.9 trillion (2017) tax cuts?

Yes. Calls it “the first step towards our goal of modernizing a tax code riddled with special interest giveaways.”No. Says tax cuts were “for big corporations and the wealthiest Americans.” Would vote against any legislation that helps the wealthy “while hurting working families.”
Voting Rights

Support voting by mail to address COVID’s impact on voting?

No. Said if voters “can go to the grocery store they can go to the poll….“Anybody who wants to vote has an opportunity to vote.”Yes. “No Texan should have to choose between exercising their constitutional right to vote or putting public health in danger.”


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