2020 Vermont Governor Voters Guide

Phil Scott (R) vs David Zucker man (D)

Governor | Election | Nov 10, 2020

The Candidates

Phil Scott

Phil Scott


David Zucker man

David Zucker man


The Issues

Campaign Finance

Require political ads to disclose their largest funders?

Phil Scott (R)

No position found.

David Zucker man (D)

Yes. Supports limits on campaign financing. Opposes current system that he says gives corporations too much power and makes it hard for people to run for office.

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Support picking Ginsburg replacement now versus letting Nov. winner choose?

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Use public funding for private and/or for-profit schools?

David Zucker man (D)

No. Opposed vouchers for private schools. Wants income tax so everyone “pays their fair share for … public education.”

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Tighten or loosen environmental regulations?

Phil Scott (R)

Unclear. Opposed Trump administration’s replacement for the Clean Power Plan. “This is simply the wrong approach.”

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Financial Regulation

Tighten financial regulations?

Phil Scott (R)

Tighten. Intervened in a court case to defend “an independent and effective CFPB.”

David Zucker man (D)

No position found.

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Gun Laws

Enact more restrictive legislation on guns?

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Support “right to work” laws, eliminating the ability of unions to mandate dues for workers they represent?

Phil Scott (R)

Yes. Worked with a bipartisan group of governors to urge protections for DREAMers. Vermont joined a multi-state lawsuit opposing border-wall spending. Scott has opposed Trump restrictions on immigrants.

David Zucker man (D)
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No position found. Supported state helping immigrant families excluded by federal COVID relief programs.

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Keep illegal or decriminalize?

David Zucker man (D)

Yes. “Has been championing marijuana reform” since he was first elected to the legislature. Now advocates for a “legal marketplace” for it.

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Minimum Wage

Raise state hourly minimum wage above current $7.25?

Phil Scott (R)

No. Vetoed bill that would have raised state minimum wage in 2020, predicting “overall negative impact on economic growth.”

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Police and Community

Restrict police use of force and increase public oversight?

Phil Scott (R)

Yes. Signed a bill in July aimed at addressing excessive use of force by police. “This is a pivotal moment for meaningful change.”

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Student Financial Aid

Support free or subsidized tuition for lower-income people?

Phil Scott (R)

No. “Nothing is free.” But will work on ways to provide more affordable student loans.

David Zucker man (D)
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Support administration tariffs on steel and other products?

Phil Scott (R)
David Zucker man (D)

No position found.

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Voting Rules

Support efforts to make it easier to vote?

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Phil Scott

republican Party

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David Zucker man

democratic Party

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Phil Scott


David Zucker man


See guides.vote for online guides with links & sources http://www.philscott.org/ http://www.zuckermanforvt.com/
Affordable Care Act

Support Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare?

Yes. Opposed Republican effort to replace ACA. Says effort could undermine coverage or reduce funding for Medicaid expansion.Yes. Now advocates moving to a single-payer, universal system.
Campaign Finance

Require political ads to disclose their largest funders?

No position found.Yes. Supports limits on campaign financing. Opposes current system that he says gives corporations too much power and makes it hard for people to run for office.
Climate Change

Consider human-caused climate change a serious threat?

Yes. “I actually believe, myself, that climate change is real and it's man-made.”Yes. “We believe that it is important to do everything we can to … step up to stop climate change.”

Support picking Ginsburg replacement now versus letting Nov. winner choose?

No. Don’t rush. Wait till after inauguration. See CEEP Supreme Court guide.No. Glad for Scott’s stand but says he should do more to oppose Trump.

Support Trump administration’s response to coronavirus pandemic.

No. Disagreed with Trump about who should decide when businesses should open or shut during the pandemic. Set cautious policy for pandemic approaches.Commends Scott’s response but says he would have enacted mask mandate sooner and helped more with finances and education.

Use public funding for private and/or for-profit schools?

Yes. Has supported “school choice” at public events in the past.No. Opposed vouchers for private schools. Wants income tax so everyone “pays their fair share for ... public education.”

Tighten or loosen environmental regulations?

Unclear. Opposed Trump administration’s replacement for the Clean Power Plan. “This is simply the wrong approach.”Tighten. Supports government regulation of greenhouse-gas emissions.
Financial Regulation

Tighten financial regulations?

Tighten. Intervened in a court case to defend “an independent and effective CFPB.”No position found.
Gun Laws

Enact more restrictive legislation on guns?

Mostly. Historically against restrictions, but signed gun-violence-prevention legislation after the 2018 Parkland school shooting.Yes. Supports restrictions on purchase and possession, and requiring background checks at gun shows.

Support “right to work” laws, eliminating the ability of unions to mandate dues for workers they represent?

Yes. Worked with a bipartisan group of governors to urge protections for DREAMers. Vermont joined a multi-state lawsuit opposing border-wall spending. Scott has opposed Trump restrictions on immigrants.No position found. Supported state helping immigrant families excluded by federal COVID relief programs.

No position found. Supported state helping immigrant families excluded by federal COVID relief programs.

Mixed. Has supported a right-to-work law and vetoed a family medical leave bill. But has also supported teachers’ right to strike.No. Such laws “harm union and non-union workers … by depressing union membership and limiting [their] effectiveness.”
Legal Abortion

Keep legal or ban?

Legal. Has “always been pro-choice.” Signed a 2019 abortion-rights bill that prohibits public entities from restricting an individual’s right to terminate a pregnancy.Legal. “Protecting women’s choice is integral for women to have the power over their own lives.”
LGBTQ Rights

Support LGBTQ rights?

Unclear. Previously opposed civil unions and was concerned about gay marriage. Voted for state’s same-sex marriage bill in 2009, though said would have supported submitting as referendum.Yes. “A longtime supporter of LGBTQIA rights. [I] co-sponsored the bill that codified marriage equality in Vermont.”

Keep illegal or decriminalize?

Yes. Signed the bill to legalize marijuana in the state in 2018.Yes. “Has been championing marijuana reform” since he was first elected to the legislature. Now advocates for a “legal marketplace” for it.
Minimum Wage

Raise state hourly minimum wage above current $7.25?

No. Vetoed bill that would have raised state minimum wage in 2020, predicting “overall negative impact on economic growth.”Yes. “Ensuring that the minimum wage keeps pace with the cost of living … will help those working full time.”
Planned Parenthood

Can Planned Parenthood receive public funds for non-abortion-related care?

Yes. “I think they do great work for women’s health.”Yes. “We will do all in our power to protect funding for Planned Parenthood to ensure they can continue to provide general health services.”
Police and Community

Restrict police use of force and increase public oversight?

Yes. Signed a bill in July aimed at addressing excessive use of force by police. “This is a pivotal moment for meaningful change.”Yes. “Limiting the use of force and holding our public safety officers accountable is required to rebuild trust in the system.”
Student Financial Aid

Support free or subsidized tuition for lower-income people?

No. “Nothing is free.” But will work on ways to provide more affordable student loans.Yes. Supports “free in-state tuition for Vermonters.”

Support administration tariffs on steel and other products?

No. Opposed tariffs on Canadian products. “They’re our largest trading partner. It has an effect on everything we do.”No position found.

Support administration’s $1.9 trillion (2017) tax cuts?

No. Expressed concerns about the long-term impact and its rushed and partisan enactment.No. Has focused his attention on how to recapture a portion of the cuts that went to wealthy taxpayers to address state needs.
Voting Rules

Support efforts to make it easier to vote?

Mixed. Reluctantly let a vote-by-mail bill become law without his signature.Yes. Has urged citizens and the governor to ensure that mail-in voting is available for everyone.


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