Legal. Co-sponsored act guaranteeing “equal access to abortion, everywhere.”
No. Would keep parts of ACA, but with “free- market reforms, choice and competition,” no more government control.
Yes. Voted for the ACA. Voted against the American Health Care Act of 2017, which would have ended ACA.
No position found.
No. “For the time being,” wants “best energy production mix,” with renewables, nuclear, and “natural gas, and oil, and coal.” Concerned about “crippling our own current economic conditions.”
Yes. For “investing in new technologies that reduce harmful emissions.” Co-sponsored bill for net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Wants carbon capture to use coal “more responsibly.”
No. Voted no on Gorsuch and on Kavanaugh because of “past rulings, writings, and evasive answers.” See CEEP Supreme Court guide.
Yes. After slow start, president’s response “has been really solid.” Blames China, which “brought our country to its knees.”
No. Asked Treasury Dept. to give states more flexibility in distributing relief funds. Asked Trump for more help for working families.
Yes. “Full school choice proponent.” Supreme Court allowing public funding for religious schools a “huge win for religious liberty.”
No recent position found. Opposed publicly funded vouchers for private school tuition in 2001.
Tighten, mostly. Opposed repeal of Clean Power, emission guidelines. Policy changes must keep all sectors of economy viable.
Mixed. Voted for Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform. Later introduced bill to loosen regulation on small banks and credit unions.
Yes. Co-sponsored Equality Act. “Always wrong to fire a person simply for being gay or transgender.”
No. It’s about individual liberty and “God-given rights to protect ourselves”— not guns. Concerned about “gun confiscation.” Red flag laws unconstitutional.
Yes. Co-sponsored assault weapons ban. Introduced bill to enact gun violence protection measures, including red flag laws and closing background-check loopholes.
No position found on DACA. Supports temporary guest worker program and “recruiting high-skilled workers from other countries.” Would limit humanitarian asylum.
Yes. Co-sponsored bipartisan amendment offering path to citizenship for “DREAMers,” along with $25 billion for border wall funding. Opposed Trump diversion of funds for wall.
Mixed. Would strengthen “border security” with tech investments, well-staffed ports of entry and physical barriers “where effective.” But wants “fair and efficient process for immigrants who qualify for asylum.”
Yes. Favored Trump decision to divert money from defense budget to help build the wall. Co-sponsored bill with tough immigration, visa, and border enforcement provisions.
Opposed impeachment. “About personal vendettas.”
Supported. Voted to call witnesses and to convict Trump on both articles of impeachment.
Yes. Views specific Iran War Powers Act as an “attempt to embarrass Trump,” but supports idea of requiring congressional approval.
Yes. Trump should have consulted Congress. Attack turned “anti-Iranian fervor into anti-American fervor.”
Unclear. Has said wants to increase worker protections but no specific position found on Virginia attempt to repeal right-to-work.
No position found
Legal for medical. Co-sponsored bill to allow banks to work with cannabis businesses. “Supports the use of medical marijuana when used appropriately.” Waiting to see experience of other states on recreational.
Unclear. Raising federal minimum wage in Virginia to $15 would “destroy small businesses.”
Yes. For raising minimum in Virginia. At $7.25, “You can’t feed a family on that rate.” Raise can be done “responsibly.”
Yes. Co-sponsored Women’s Health Protection Act and voted against rescinding Planned Parenthood funding.
Yes. Co-sponsored Justice in Policing Act “to hold law enforcement accountable …, improve transparency …, and reform police training and policies.”
No. Forgiveness is an “immoral transfer of risk from poor people to already privileged people.” No position found on payments.