2024 Nebraska (NE-02) US House of Representatives Voters Guide

Don Bacon (R) vs Tony Vargas (D)

US House | Election | Nov 5, 2024

The Candidates

Don Bacon

Don Bacon


Tony Vargas

Tony Vargas


The Issues


Ban or legal?

Don Bacon (R)

Ban. Calls “being pro-life” his “main thing.” In 2021 sponsored a proposed federal ban of abortion with no exceptions. In 2022 said the only exception should be saving the mother’s life. In 2024 signed a legal brief supporting the right of states to ban hospitals from providing emergency abortions.

Tony Vargas (D)

Legal. Voted against bills limiting abortion access. Will vote “to codify the protections earned from Roe v. Wade into federal law.” “In Congress, I’ll continue fighting to keep reproductive health care safe, legal, and accessible.”

Climate Change

Should climate change be a top priority?

Don Bacon (R)

Mixed. Said Donald Trump shouldn’t have withdrawn from Paris Climate Agreement. Voted against the Inflation Reduction Act’s climate initiatives as not “effective.” Wants “all of the above” options: fossil fuels, nuclear, geothermal, solar, and wind.

Tony Vargas (D)

Yes. “Climate change is a serious threat”; calls replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources “an environmental and economic necessity.” We must “more aggressively address a changing climate.”

Criminal Justice

How to ensure effectiveness and fairness in law enforcement?

Don Bacon (R)

Voted against the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. Sponsored a bill to support law enforcement and condemn defunding or dismantling local law enforcement.

Tony Vargas (D)

“I’ve voted to fund our police every year since taking office— even when members of my party didn’t.” Is also “inspired by [those] who are fighting for equity, transparency, due process at every level.” Will “fight for” an end to police brutality and violence.


Decrease or increase government investment in, and regulation of, the economy?

Don Bacon (R)

Decrease.Free-market principles, not centralized government planning…drive economic growth, innovation and prosperity.” “I am working to ease the cost of living, cut taxes, and reduce our national debt.”

Tony Vargas (D)

Increase. Wants better-paying jobs, a middle-class tax cut, an expanded child tax credit, lower costs for healthcare, drugs, and child care, and paid family leave. Supported bills to make housing more affordable.


Limit teaching about racism and gender identity?

Don Bacon (R)

Yes. Voted for the Parents Bill of Rights, designed to let parents inspect teaching materials in public schools. Opposes “Congress… micromanaging our schools.”

Tony Vargas (D)

No. Voted against a Nebraska bill to make K–12 teachers and librarians liable for obscenity charges related to materials in schools. Says teachers can talk with children about racism.


Loosen or tighten environmental regulations?

Don Bacon (R)

Mixed. Supported repeal of the Stream Protection Rule against dumping mining waste into waterways. Voted to allow oil and gas leasing in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Voted to invest $1.2 trillion in infrastructure; including greenhouse gas emission reductions.

Tony Vargas (D)

Tighten. “I’m committed to policies combatting climate change, protecting our natural resources, and growing our clean energy job sector.” Crack down on polluters leaching chemicals into soil and water. Increase penalties for environmental disasters from fracking and drilling.

Gun Laws

Loosen or tighten gun regulation?

Don Bacon (R)

Loosen. Voted against the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act; did not support “the Red Flag portion.” Voted no on raising the age for buying semiautomatic rifles. Sponsored a bill to let gun owners sue if they were wrongfully denied a gun purchase.

Tony Vargas (D)

Tighten.Passing common sense gun control laws is the most immediate step we can take to protecting our kids and communities. I’m ready to take on the gun lobby in Congress.” In 2022 wanted expanded background checks and a federal ban on assault weapons.

Health Care

Increase or decrease government support for healthcare?

Don Bacon (R)

Decrease. Voted in 2017 to repeal the Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act. “Medicare for All would be a disaster.”

Tony Vargas (D)

Increase. “Everyone deserves access to quality, affordable health care.” Secured $6.5 million for Nebraska clinics and “fought to expand Medicaid.” Wants lower costs for healthcare and medications.


How to handle immigration? Support a path to citizenship for “DACA” participants brought to the US as children?

Don Bacon (R)

In 2021: “Create a safer clear legal pathway to emigrate to our country, while maintaining law and order at the border…. Congress must provide a legal way forward for DACA and TPS recipients.”

Tony Vargas (D)

DACA recipients “need permanent protection. We need new leadership in D.C that cares about solving problems—not playing partisan, political games with people’s lives.”


Make it easier or harder for unions to organize?

Don Bacon (R)

Harder. Voted against the PRO Act, which would strengthen unions, protect workers’ right to unionize, and overturn “right to work” laws, which allow employees in a unionized workplace to not pay union dues.

Tony Vargas (D)

Easier. Organized labor “gave our family a slice of the American Dream.” “I will continue to honor workers and labor unions by fighting for better working conditions, better wages, and an America that works for working families.”

LGBTQ Rights

Limit or expand LGBTQ rights?

Don Bacon (R)

Limit. Voted against the Equality Act. Equal protections for LGBTQ citizens must also respect and protect “religious groups who hold traditional views of marriage.”

Tony Vargas (D)

Expand. Ban gay conversion therapy. Told trans community, “I’m sorry our legislature didn’t… stand up for you and your health care rights. This fight is not over.”


Ban or legal?

Don Bacon (R)

Mixed. Says recreational use should not be legal, but sponsored the SAFE Banking Act of 2019, to protect banks that serve cannabis sellers. In 2022 voted against de-criminalizing marijuana and erasing federal convictions.

Tony Vargas (D)

Legal. Decriminalize marijuana at the federal level. Promoted a Nebraska medical marijuana initiative.

Minimum Wage

Raise the federal minimum from $7.25 per hour?

Don Bacon (R)

No. In 2019 voted no on Raise the Wage Act. “It’s a state issue… Nebraska has a higher minimum wage [now $12, will be $15 in 2026] than the federal minimum wage.”

Tony Vargas (D)

No position found.

Social Security

Cut Social Security and/or raise the retirement age?

Don Bacon (R)

Likely yes. In 2018 said raise retirement age. A member of the Republican Study Committee, which proposes raising the retirement age.

Tony Vargas (D)

Likely no. Supported a Nebraska bill to reduce taxes on Social Security income.

Student Financial Aid

Support lowering interest on student loans and/or forgiving them?

Don Bacon (R)

No. “Biden’s federal student loan cancelation plan is a ‘robin-hood’ in reverse where the working man and woman is paying for the wealthiest in our society.”

Tony Vargas (D)

Yes. I applaud the Biden Administration for continuing to deliver badly needed debt relief to Americans with student loans.”


Should corporations and wealthier individuals pay less or more taxes?

Don Bacon (R)

Less. In 2017 voted for the Trump tax cuts, reducing taxes for the wealthy and including the largest corporate cut in US history.

Tony Vargas (D)

More. “Donald Trump engineered massive tax cuts for the wealthy…. When I get to Congress, I’ll vote for a middle-class tax cut.”

Voting Rules

Make voting harder or easier? And should the district have separate electoral college vote?

Don Bacon (R)

Harder. In 2021 voted against voting rights act. In 2024 voted to require citizenship proof to vote. Would change state law to merge this Congressional district with all of Nebraska into winner-take-all Electoral College votes.

Tony Vargas (D)

Easier. Secure the right to vote, eliminate barriers to voting. “Strengthen voting rights and improve ballot access.” Would preserve state law so this Congressional district keeps its own Electoral College vote.

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