2024 Texas (TX-34) US House of Representatives Voters Guide

Mayra Flores (R) vs Vicente Gonzalez (D)

US House | Election | Nov 5, 2024

The Candidates

Mayra Flores

Mayra Flores


Vicente Gonzalez

Vicente Gonzalez



The Issues


Ban or legal?

Mayra Flores (R)

Ban. No exceptions for rape or incest. Ending Roe v. Wade was a “big win.” Voted against the Right to Contraception Act; it could create a “back door to abortion.” Cosponsored a national ban on performing abortions after 15 weeks.

Vicente Gonzalez (D)

Legal. Voted to prohibit government restrictions on access to abortion. Would “increase funding for critical health care and family planning services for women.”

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Should climate change be a top priority?

Mayra Flores (R)

No. Supports empowering “energy producers,” particularly in “oil and gas.” Voted against funding $369 billion in climate and clean energy initiatives. Calls existing energy regulations “overburdensome.”

Vicente Gonzalez (D)

Yes. Supports investing in carbon reduction technology and the development of renewable energy. Voted for funding $369 billion in climate and clean energy initiatives. Supports both offshore oil lease sales, and investment in “America’s burgeoning offshore wind sector.”

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Criminal Justice

How to ensure effectiveness and fairness in law enforcement?

Mayra Flores (R)

Supportsstrong criminal justice policies,… laying blame on the perpetrators of violent acts.” Law enforcement should prioritize criminals who are in the country illegally.

Vicente Gonzalez (D)

Supports “substantial changes to training methods” for police and increased police accountability. Supports federal funding for local law enforcement. Would invest in community resources to “make America safe.”

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Decrease or increase government investment in, and regulation of, the economy?

Mayra Flores (R)

Decrease. The government is wasting “taxpayers’ money.” The climate investments in the Inflation Reduction Act are a “disaster in a struggling recovering economy.” Wants to “make America fiscally responsible again.”

Vicente Gonzalez (D)

Increase. Supports “fiscally responsible policies that encourage economic growth and job creation.” Government should invest in infrastructure. Voted for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Voted for the investments in the Inflation Reduction Act.

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Limit teaching about racism and gender identity?

Mayra Flores (R)

Yes. Radical gender ideology has infiltrated our children’s classrooms.” “America needs to get back to the basics.” Parents need a voice in decisions about curriculum. Supports a Parents Bill of Rights.

Vicente Gonzalez (D)

No. Supports “diversity, equity, and inclusion” in higher education. Opposes discrimination based on gender identity and sexuality. Voted against the Parents Bill of Rights, which requires parental notification around gender-based activities.

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Did Joe Biden win the 2020 Presidential election?

Mayra Flores (R)

No. Called Biden “President In Name Only.”

Vicente Gonzalez (D)

Yes. Supported “the peaceful transition of power” as Biden took office. “Today we saw what was right with America.”

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Loosen or tighten environmental regulations?

Mayra Flores (R)

Loosen. Sponsored a bill that would limit environmental reviews for federal infrastructure projects.

Vicente Gonzalez (D)

Tighten. Opposed limits to EPA action. Opposed cutting funding to the Council on Environmental Quality. Opposed a restriction on EPA’s ability to regulate air quality. Opposed a block on funding federal environmental justice activities.

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Gun Laws

Loosen or tighten gun regulation?

Mayra Flores (R)

Loosen.Will always fight for our second amendment rights.” Voted against a bipartisan gun safety bill, with enhanced under-21 background checks and support for state “red flag” laws.

Vicente Gonzalez (D)

Mixed. Voted for a bipartisan gun safety bill. Supports strengthening background checks. Voted against an assault weapons ban.

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Health Care

Increase or decrease government role in health care? Support or oppose Obamacare?

Mayra Flores (R)

Mixed. Voted against the government negotiating lower drug prices and capping Medicare insulin costs. Sponsored a bill to address prescription drug prices. Supports all veterans receiving free healthcare for life.

Vicente Gonzalez (D)

Increase. Voted for government negotiating lower drug prices and capping Medicare insulin costs. Also supports an insulin price cap for non-Medicare patients. Supports Medicaid and improving Obamacare, and wants to strengthen and expand Medicare.

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How to handle immigration? Support a path to citizenship for “DACA” participants brought to the US as children?

Mayra Flores (R)

Deport “illegal immigrants who commit crimes.” “We MUST secure our border to keep bad individuals out and to encourage LEGAL immigration.” Unclear on DACA.

Vicente Gonzalez (D)

Supports a “pathway to earned citizenship” for immigrants, along with DACA and passage of a federal DREAM Act.

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Make it easier or harder for unions to organize?

Mayra Flores (R)

Harder. Opposed expanding Veterans Health Administration employees’ collective bargaining rights. Opposed giving rail workers a union-supported seven days paid sick leave per year.

Vicente Gonzalez (D)

Easier. Cosponsored a “right to organize” bill. Signed a letter calling on the government to ensure that Gulf-based wind power projects are built by union labor.

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LGBTQ Rights

Limit or expand LGBTQ rights?

Mayra Flores (R)

Limit. Voted against the Respect for Marriage Act, which brings same-sex and interracial marriages into federal law

Vicente Gonzalez (D)

Expand. Voted for the Respect for Marriage Act. Sponsored a bill to protect lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth and their families in public health.

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Ban or legal?

Mayra Flores (R)

Unclear. Voted to expand marijuana research. No other position found.

Vicente Gonzalez (D)

Legal. Voted to decriminalize marijuana. Voted to expand marijuana research.

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Minimum Wage

Raise the federal minimum from $7.25 per hour? If raise, how much?

Mayra Flores (R)

No position found.

Vicente Gonzalez (D)

Yes. Voted to gradually raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour. Supports “passage of a living wage.”

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Student Financial Aid

Support lowering interest on student loans and/or forgiving them?

Mayra Flores (R)

No position found.

Vicente Gonzalez (D)

Yes. Introduced a bill to forgive up to $25,000 in federal student loans for borrowers. Will look for “new solutions…to reduce student debt.” Supports student debt cancellation.

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Should corporations and wealthier individuals pay less or more taxes?

Mayra Flores (R)

Less. Job creators shouldn’t be “hindered by burdensome taxes.” ”

Vicente Gonzalez (D)

More. Voted for making the “biggest corporations and ultra-wealthy pay their fair share“ in the Inflation Reduction Act. Opposes the Fair Tax Act (a national sales tax); it would “slash taxes for the ultra-wealthy.”

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Voting Rules

Make voting harder or easier?

Mayra Flores (R)

Harder. Vote-by-mail “will…bring more fraud to the RGV.”

Vicente Gonzalez (D)

Easier. Voted to expand voting opportunities and access. Supported lowering the federal voting age to 16.

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Mayra Flores

republican Party

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Vicente Gonzalez

democratic Party

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Mayra Flores


Vicente Gonzalez


See guides.vote for online guides with links & sources http://www.mayrafloresforcongress.com/ http://www.vicentegonzalez.com/

Ban or legal?

Ban. No exceptions for rape or incest. Ending Roe v. Wade was a “big win.” Voted against the Right to Contraception Act; it could create a “back door to abortion.” Cosponsored a national ban on performing abortions after 15 weeks.Legal. Voted to prohibit government restrictions on access to abortion. Would “increase funding for critical health care and family planning services for women.”

Should climate change be a top priority?

No. Supports empowering “energy producers,” particularly in “oil and gas.” Voted against funding $369 billion in climate and clean energy initiatives. Calls existing energy regulations “overburdensome.”Yes. Supports investing in carbon reduction technology and the development of renewable energy. Voted for funding $369 billion in climate and clean energy initiatives. Supports both offshore oil lease sales, and investment in “America’s burgeoning offshore wind sector.”
Criminal Justice

How to ensure effectiveness and fairness in law enforcement?

Supportsstrong criminal justice policies,… laying blame on the perpetrators of violent acts.” Law enforcement should prioritize criminals who are in the country illegally.Supports “substantial changes to training methods” for police and increased police accountability. Supports federal funding for local law enforcement. Would invest in community resources to “make America safe.”

Decrease or increase government investment in, and regulation of, the economy?

Decrease. The government is wasting “taxpayers’ money.” The climate investments in the Inflation Reduction Act are a “disaster in a struggling recovering economy.” Wants to “make America fiscally responsible again.”Increase. Supports “fiscally responsible policies that encourage economic growth and job creation.” Government should invest in infrastructure. Voted for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Voted for the investments in the Inflation Reduction Act.

Limit teaching about racism and gender identity?

Yes. Radical gender ideology has infiltrated our children’s classrooms.” “America needs to get back to the basics.” Parents need a voice in decisions about curriculum. Supports a Parents Bill of Rights.No. Supports “diversity, equity, and inclusion” in higher education. Opposes discrimination based on gender identity and sexuality. Voted against the Parents Bill of Rights, which requires parental notification around gender-based activities.

Did Joe Biden win the 2020 Presidential election?

No. Called Biden “President In Name Only.”Yes. Supported “the peaceful transition of power” as Biden took office. “Today we saw what was right with America.”

Loosen or tighten environmental regulations?

Loosen. Sponsored a bill that would limit environmental reviews for federal infrastructure projects.Tighten. Opposed limits to EPA action. Opposed cutting funding to the Council on Environmental Quality. Opposed a restriction on EPA’s ability to regulate air quality. Opposed a block on funding federal environmental justice activities.
Gun Laws

Loosen or tighten gun regulation?

Loosen.Will always fight for our second amendment rights.” Voted against a bipartisan gun safety bill, with enhanced under-21 background checks and support for state “red flag” laws.Mixed. Voted for a bipartisan gun safety bill. Supports strengthening background checks. Voted against an assault weapons ban.
Health Care

Increase or decrease government role in health care? Support or oppose Obamacare?

Mixed. Voted against the government negotiating lower drug prices and capping Medicare insulin costs. Sponsored a bill to address prescription drug prices. Supports all veterans receiving free healthcare for life.Increase. Voted for government negotiating lower drug prices and capping Medicare insulin costs. Also supports an insulin price cap for non-Medicare patients. Supports Medicaid and improving Obamacare, and wants to strengthen and expand Medicare.

How to handle immigration? Support a path to citizenship for “DACA” participants brought to the US as children?

Deport “illegal immigrants who commit crimes.” “We MUST secure our border to keep bad individuals out and to encourage LEGAL immigration.” Unclear on DACA.Supports a “pathway to earned citizenship” for immigrants, along with DACA and passage of a federal DREAM Act.

Make it easier or harder for unions to organize?

Harder. Opposed expanding Veterans Health Administration employees’ collective bargaining rights. Opposed giving rail workers a union-supported seven days paid sick leave per year.Easier. Cosponsored a “right to organize” bill. Signed a letter calling on the government to ensure that Gulf-based wind power projects are built by union labor.
LGBTQ Rights

Limit or expand LGBTQ rights?

Limit. Voted against the Respect for Marriage Act, which brings same-sex and interracial marriages into federal lawExpand. Voted for the Respect for Marriage Act. Sponsored a bill to protect lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth and their families in public health.

Ban or legal?

Unclear. Voted to expand marijuana research. No other position found.Legal. Voted to decriminalize marijuana. Voted to expand marijuana research.
Minimum Wage

Raise the federal minimum from $7.25 per hour? If raise, how much?

No position found.Yes. Voted to gradually raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour. Supports “passage of a living wage.”
Student Financial Aid

Support lowering interest on student loans and/or forgiving them?

No position found.Yes. Introduced a bill to forgive up to $25,000 in federal student loans for borrowers. Will look for “new solutions…to reduce student debt.” Supports student debt cancellation.

Should corporations and wealthier individuals pay less or more taxes?

Less. Job creators shouldn’t be “hindered by burdensome taxes.” ”More. Voted for making the “biggest corporations and ultra-wealthy pay their fair share“ in the Inflation Reduction Act. Opposes the Fair Tax Act (a national sales tax); it would “slash taxes for the ultra-wealthy.”
Voting Rules

Make voting harder or easier?

Harder. Vote-by-mail “will…bring more fraud to the RGV.”Easier. Voted to expand voting opportunities and access. Supported lowering the federal voting age to 16.


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