Mostly ban. “My life story is pro-life.” Supported the overturning of Roe v. Wade because of his “religion and faith” and because there’s no mention of abortion in the Constitution. “Each state is going to have to make determinations that best fit their states.”
Legal. “I will protect access to abortion, IVF, and contraception.” Would “restore the protections” of Roe v. Wade. “It is unconscionable that because of extreme politicians, my teenage daughter has fewer rights than her mother or grandmother.”
Unclear. In response to a commentary about using the military to fight climate change, said only “our enemies” would benefit from such approach.
Yes. “Fighting the climate crisis must be at the forefront [of] Congress’ agenda.” Supports increased federal investments to address climate change. “I am running to put our future generations first.”
“I’ll always have law enforcement’s back – they need all the tools they can get to fight crime.” “We have a serious issue with crime, and the first thing we can do is make sure the border is secure.”
“I know how important it is to support the men and women who protect our community” and “to give law enforcement the tools they need to get weapons of war out of our communities.” Believes police must be “fully funded to keep our communities safe.”
Decrease. “Reckless spending and skyrocketing costs” are among the United States’ greatest challenges.
Increase. Supports government investment in public transit and rural broadband expansion; “provide resources to farmers.” Sees “a critical need to invest in infrastructure projects.” Would “work to eliminate business practices that stifle innovation.”
Likely yes. Advocates ending “woke indoctrination” in schools. “I’ll make sure our public schools teach our kids how to think, not what to think.”
No. “Extremists on school boards… are actively banning books on the holocaust and slavery to satisfy a… political agenda with an authoritarian bent.” “Students must be allowed to learn without extreme politicians imposing views that do not align with Virginia values.”
Loosen. “I’ll be a strong advocate for gun owners in the halls of Congress.” Second Amendment rights are “sacred.” “We want to make sure we’re not taking weapons out of the hands of law-abiding citizens.” “We need to make sure the people who should have their weapons have them and the people who shouldn’t, shouldn’t.”
Tighten. “I’m a responsible gun owner…. I am not looking to take away people’s guns.” But “it should not be easier to get an assault rifle than it is to get a [driver’s] license.” Calls for “common sense solutions” to gun violence: “Enforcing red flag laws. Closing the gun show loophole. Safe storage requirements.”
Decrease. Calls Obamacare “mediocre.” “When there’s competition among healthcare companies, it typically lowers costs and increases the quality of care that you receive.” “When people have good-paying jobs, they have good health care.”
Increase. “I will never vote to gut the Affordable Care Act.” It is “critically important.” Supports government efforts to reduce prescription drug costs and strengthen rural health care: “We must provide more flexible options to access care.”
“The chaos at the border is threatening our communities.” “Shut down the border. It’s a national security threat.” “Finish the wall.” Stronger border polices will address “national security issues.”
“We need fair, safe and strong immigration reforms,” including “securing the border.” “Legal immigration has always been a strength for this nation.”
Unclear. During the COVID pandemic, criticized teachers’ unions, saying they “continue to play politics.”
No position found.
Expand. “I am proud to be an ally for LGBT rights.”
No. “Biden wants to pay student loans back—from where, from what money? That money doesn’t just grow on trees.… If you want to go to college, you should come up with a plan to try to afford college.”
Yes. “One thing that can make [education] more affordable is student loan relief.” Public service should lead to loan forgiveness. “This is a program we need to expand; we need to make sure that more people qualify.”
Unclear. Criticizes Biden’s administration for proposed tax increases. “I’ll stop their tax hikes and destructive socialist policies.”
Increase. “Imagine if billionaires paid their fair share of taxes.” Republican tax cuts benefit the “ultra wealthy.”
No position found.
Easier. Supports “protecting voting rights.” Would pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and stronger “protections for election workers.” is a nonpartisan effort to show where candidates stand. We do not support or oppose any political party or candidate. We have space for candidates polling 15% or more. offers guides to local races and how to vote. For campuses, see Campus Vote Project’s state-specific guides to student voting rules.