Washington Initiative 2117

The Prohibit Carbon Tax Trading Initiative

What’s this initiative:

Initiative 2117 would repeal the 2021 Climate Commitment Act (CCA), a cap-and-invest program to reduce greenhouse gas pollution. The CCA, which went into effect in 2023, sets annual emissions limits and requires major emitters to buy allowances to cover their greenhouse gas emissions. The CCA is intended to cut emissions nearly in half by 2030 and help the state become mostly carbon-free by 2050. Initiative 2117 would ban state agencies from implementing any kind of carbon trading, including cap-and-trade or cap-and-tax programs.



Arguments For and Against Repeal

Arguments for Repeal

  • In 2023, auction allowances ranged from $22.20 to $56.01 per ton, and gas companies passed the costs on to consumers, adding up to about 26 cents per gallon for consumers.
  • Washington has higher gas prices compared to the national average as of September 2024. Repealing the CCA could bring relief to consumers.
  • The CCA has not delivered measurable improvements in air quality or the natural environment. Repealing it will allow lawmakers to devise other incentive-based approaches to get businesses to curb their emissions.
  • See here for more arguments for repeal.

Reasons Against Repeal

  • Cap-and-trade systems, by making polluters pay their fair share, are considered the most successful way to address greenhouse gas emissions. Since its start in 2023, this system has already garnered $3 billion, which is being using to fund hundreds of climate-related projects across Washington.
  • I-2117 wouldn’t just cancel the CCA; it would block the state from creating any other cap-and-trade system in the future.
  • The state will lose a critical weapon in its fight against climate change at a time when the impacts of a changing climate are already harming communities, destroying forests, and creating economic uncertainty.
  • See here for more arguments against repeal.

Statements For and Against Repeal

Statements for Repeal

  • “The cap-and-trade is probably the most regressive tax you could put on the economy. It impacts every single person who has to commute to work.” — Brian Heywood, co-CEO of Taiyo Pacific Partners and largest backer of I-2117
  • “These guys [Let’s Go Washington] blew past the finish line. I am in awe of what they’ve done.” — Tim Eyman, Washington state’s previous leading anti-tax initiative sponsor
  • “This cap and trade gas tax scheme is what is making Washington’s price of living the highest in the nation alongside California… It punishes working families and doesn’t actually reduce emissions in our state.”— Initiative sponsor State Rep. Jim Walsh (R), WA State Republican Party chairman
  • “It is clear that the CCA will be yet another expensive policy that does little for the planet while wasting money on political agendas… Some still believe we can trust politicians to competently fight climate change. That is wishful thinking….” — Todd Myers, Washington Policy Center’s vice president for research

Statements Against Repeal

  • “This initiative would jeopardize critical funding for salmon recovery, clean water, and wildfire resilience projects that are essential to our survival and prosperity.” — Tulalip Tribal Chairwoman Teri Gobin
  • Either Washington will lead, or abdicate entirely, its leadership on climate change.” “Inslee and the Legislature have… built out a multibillion-dollar clean energy state budget with the auction’s proceeds.” — Seattle Times editorial board, endorsing a No vote
  • “[I-2117] is a deceptive plan that would do nothing to guarantee lower costs for families and small businesses. I-2117’s only guarantee is a threat to our health and safety, and devastating cuts to our transportation system.” — Justin Gill DNP, APRN, RN, president of the Washington State Nurses Association; Stacy Martin, business manager/secretary treasurer of the Washington and Northern Idaho District Council of Laborers; and Leonard Forsman, chairman of the Suquamish Tribe and president of the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians

Supporters include:

Affordable Building Council of the Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties, Associated General Contractors of America—Washington Chapter, AWB (Association of Washington Business), Building Industry Association of Washington, Ethnic Chamber of Commerce Coalition, Brian Heywood—Taxpayers Accountability Alliance, Let’s Go Washington, National Electrical Contractors Association, NFIB (National Federation of Independent Business), Jim Walsh (R), Washington State Representative and Republican Party chairman, Washington Retail Association, Washington Roundtable, Washington State Republican Party. (Source: https://letsgowashington.com/the-initiatives/#I-2117)

Opponents include:

AAA Washington, Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians, Amazon, American Farmland Trust, American Lung Association, Defenders of Wildlife, Disability Rights Washington, El Centro de la Raza, Faith Action Network, League of Women Voters of Washington, Microsoft, Natural Resources Defense Council, NW Energy Coalition, Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates, Puget Sound Energy, Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI), Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, Seattle Times, SEIU 775, 925, and Healthcare 1199NW, Statewide Poverty Action Network, The Nature Conservancy, Transportation Choices Coalition, Washington & Northern Idaho District Council of Laborers, Washington Community Action Network, Washington Education Association, Washington Machinist Council, Washington State Building and Construction Trades Council, Washington State Council of Firefighters, Washington State Catholic Conference, Washington State Democratic Party, Washington State Labor Council, Washington State Medical Association, Washington State Nurses Association, Washington State PTA. (Source: https://no2117.com/our-coalition/)

Learn more

Learn More About For Repeal

Learn More About Against Repeal

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